Chapter 2

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Scurrying across the damp floor of the grocery store, Scarlett caught a glimpse of the dried mangoes she had been trying to locate for almost fifteen minutes . Had she not been shy and reserved she would have surely asked for help finding them.Pushing her trolley towards her favorite snack that she enjoyed with double plain yogurt and honey,Scarlett unconsciously flicked her dark thick coily hair behind her ear like she always did when she was nervous. It was getting super close to the time when she'd have to pretend to be a social butterfly with the cashier.She grabbed a few packets of the dried mangoes then eyed her overladen trolley. She sighed thinking of how she was going to get all that into her Toyota land cruiser, a somewhat humble car for a girl of her status.She made her way cautiously to the cashier's desk.

The pretty lady behind the counter gave her a beaming smile with her pearly whites dazzling under the spotlights. Scarlett returned the smile just like she had been trained to by her overbearing mother. "Always smile and he polite, Scarlett, honey."she remembered her mother saying,"We don't want people thinking we're stuck up rich snobs."

Scarlett resisted the urge to laugh bitterly as she thought about how her mother could easily pass as a stuck up rich snob.

"Hey."the redhead behind the counter said breaking her from her thoughts," I'm Cam. I've never seen you around here. "

Scarlett panicked a little trying to think of a response that didn't yell out 'I'm rich and I have people doing everything for me.'

Instead she settled for a quick, "Scarlett. I don't usually come here."

To distract the freckled redhead who was drinking her in from her perfectly pressed designer silk blouse, her snug power suit pants and red bottoms, to her perfectly manicured hands and her expensively treated hair,she said, "I love your hair.It's just so full of life."

Cam smiled genuinely at her, her pink glossed lips set on porcelain skin glowing under the bright lights then replied, "I'd be happier if I looked half as good as you. You're absolutely perfect. By far the nicest rich girl I've met too."

Scarlett's face fell in a frown and almost as if she had read her mind Cam added, "The clothes gave it away.That plus you look like Dylan Whitaker's twin so you can only be her daughter Scarlett because she has no siblings. "

Scarlett chuckled then went on to put all the things she had bought on the counter while Cam added them to the system.Scarlett swiped her card on the machine then stood still, thoughtfully. "I'm guessing my mother is one of your role models?" Cam nodded then said, "I love her fashion sense and her big heart. I've been to many charities and she's such a giver."

Scarlett knew she couldn't deny that. Her mother did have a good heart and it was not debatable. Scarlett changing the subject blurted out, "I've never been in a grocery store before.Heck I've never done much on my own before. I just moved out of my mum's house. Still hunting for apartments." Chuckling awkwardly, she said, "Sorry. I don't know why I just told you that."Cam didn't miss Scarlett's nervous look after that slipped out.

She chuckled heartily then passed a receipt to Scarlett. Scanning the receipt, Scarlett nodded her head with a quick thank you.  

Fumbling for her pocket, Cam came up with a card that read Operations Manager Cam Weale.

"Here." Cam said passing the card to Scarlett, "I take it you don't talk much. If you need help apartment hunting just give me a call. I know a guy."

Scarlett smiled gratefully, her dimples in full swing, then made a move to push her trolley full of groceries that she intended to take to her hotel room where she was staying until she found the perfect apartment.She frowned as the trolley didn't budge.It seemed heavier than before.

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