Negotiations Begin

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Day 1


Tyrion's men helped Hot Pie cook the feast, a grand affair. He was a little offended, but once he saw the turnout, he was grateful for the help. Tyrion had brought exotic ingredients and flavorful spices.

At her place at the head of the table, Tyrion to her right and Alana to her left, she was happy to sit back while Tyrion did the talking. Of course, nothing ever went according to plan.

"Lords. Ladies. Thank you for attending this momentous gathering. We will meet these three days to discuss the only true topic of import- peace. This is our chance to start anew and forge a new land. One of reason, fairness, and collaboration. The Queen, and I, are pleased and hopeful at your attendance, we believe in a better future."

Arya lifts her glass in toast.

"Where is the Queen? If peace is so important to her, why has she not arrived?" Asha questions loudly.

"The Queen has given me leave to make decisions in her stead. She is ruling King's Landing, and is intent on maintaining peace. I am here to draft a new world order. One which will be enforced by the Unsullied and the Dothraki." Tyrion answers smoothly, though Arya finds his response unsatisfying, and Asha's question justified. The not-so-subtle reference to the Queen's forces was quite the threat.

"And why come here? Isn't the capitol the natural choice for such matters? We can see these enforcers for ourselves as we negotiate." Maergery Tyrell questions loudly. She was keen, Arya would have to give the former queen that.

"We chose neutral ground so as not to rehash old wounds. Lady Stark has volunteered to be our gracious host and will do everything she can to be accommodating."

Arya spits up some of her wine at that. Volunteered indeed. Accommodating? And the use of the name Stark hadn't escaped he notice either.

Everyone looks at her for confirmation but she can hardly give it. Tyrion eyes her expectantly. Alana looks at her as well. Oh well, no time to cause dissent and doubt at this stage.

"Winterfell is a place of peace, all here have a right to speak, and a right to be heard. That makes this a perfect place to discuss terms." She announces. Tyrion sighs, relieved. Too soon. Some of the guests nod with a measure of relief.

"So long as you mean no harm. Then Gods help you." She finishes.

Tyrion sighs disappointed. Though a few smirk in amusement. Others look more disconcerted by her threat. Good. That was the intention.

"We are here to find middle ground, to come to an agreement that will ensure lasting peace. The past must be left aside." Tyrion tries to smooth over.

"Talk of peace is all well and good, but it is simply not possible. History has taught us that much. Just what are you proposing?" Uncle Edmure asks.

"Do you expect anyone to get over the past? Everyone here hates each other. Or did at some point. People don't forget." Asha muses.

Arya is very aware that Aegon's gaze keeps finding her. So too is his wife, it seems.

"I am simply proposing a set of rules, standards if you will, which all here can live with and enforce in their own lands. We must all agree before it is made law. We want you all to have a say."

"And if we don't agree?" Lord Baelish asks, mustache twitching.

"Then we don't agree and we go back to being distrustful opponents as before. But if we agree, we can create the strongest era this land has ever known. I propose an end to pointless wars and petty power-grabbing. I propose reasonable laws with just consequences that are fixed from Highgarden to the Iron Isles. I propose shared resources and ideas. I propose progress."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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