Back to Storm's End

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It didn't take long to get to Storm's End, probably because he had ridden through the night when he could, in a hurry to get there, and even more so to get home. The missing of Arya and Alana was a constant pain in his chest as he rode. He'd never spent a night away from his daughter and he couldn't help but worry. And the last time he'd been away from Arya...

Anyway, it was only for a few days. And his wife had been right, he did need to be there for Shireen. She would not ask for help, she was too proud, but of course he would do all he could for her.

And Stannis, whatever else he was, was still his dear uncle. Stannis had seen something in him, he'd raised him up to a Lord, he'd given him a name, and he'd even arranged his union with Arya. They had gotten closer once Gendry had finally stood up to his uncle, and a kind of mutual respect had been formed.

And then Arya had decided Stannis had no place in her life, and he was somehow her enemy. He had no idea why. Oh, she'd never forbidden him from speaking to Stannis, it wasn't her style to order him around. Manipulate? Sure. But she wouldn't force or command him. She made it clear she would support his continued relationship with the man. Still, when Arya cut Stannis out of her life, it was easier to go along.

What exactly caused their falling out he wasn't sure, neither would tell him, but he knew Stannis well enough to assume he'd deeply offended his wife in some way. And as Stannis was now on his deathbed, he wanted no bad blood between them. A part of him loved his uncle and always would.

He arrived at the gates by late afternoon, the place was livelier than last he remembered. There were more people milling about, more flowers, and a whole new wing was being erected.

The guards still recognize him and let him in without delay, one runs ahead to alert Shireen to his presence. He heads to the kitchens first, scarfing down fried chicken and roasted corn with butter, traveling always makes him hungry.

He hears an excited scream coming from behind him. He turns to see his cousin Shireen running up to him. He hugs her, not realizing how much he'd missed her. Shireen was such a lovely person- honest, open, and completely without guile. She had been the one to push him to keep learning to read, and he could. Thank the Gods for that, he could save face in front of his daughter, he could read what she was learning, though she was a hell of a lot smarter than him. He could write too. He and Shireen wrote back and forth at least once a moon. But she hadn't told him about Stannis sooner.

She looks as he remembered, same blue eyes and warm smile, but she's older, a young woman. Her black hair and dress are more sophisticated, a true Lady of Storm's End. The scarring on her cheek is the last thing he notices, he barely sees it at all anymore.

"What are you doing here Gendry?" She's not chastising him, but she is surprised, one eyebrow raised.

"I heard about Stannis." She swallows. "Shireen, I'm sorry." She purses her lips, gaining composure. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"He asked me not to. He said he didn't want to bother you." She looks away.

"Since when do you follow his orders? Why didn't you write to me?" He accuses.

"Because if I write it down, then it's true. He's really, he's..." She doesn't say the word dying, but he hears it just as loudly. He hugs her again, instantly forgiving her. None of this is her fault.

"It's okay. It's okay. I'm here now. Where's Ser Davos?"

She sighs, regaining some composure. She wipes her dry cheeks.

"He's sitting in Father's place on the counsel." Gendry is about to scold Davos for leaving her there. But she senses his irritation and refutes it. "I asked him to. I made him. I told him Father would need him to carry on his duties. He still didn't want to go, but I pointed out this would be an opportunity for a lowborn man to sit in one of the highest positions in the land, and he relented."

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