She adjusted to the new environment quickly. She also had come to know how much ASR works on a daily basis. His management skills were so good that BT had a good turnover within a year of her working in that office. She could see the progress herself and not to forget how his other 10 business were progressing well. She often had the news about the other businesses he handles, through her brothers

Though, they were bound to work for him she realised they have been free to work in their own way to bring up their contribution to respective companies. She accepted that ASR had only be helpful rather than being the villain of their lives.

The years she have been working in BT, under him, as his personal secretary, is a blessing in itself. The way he respected her for the job she does, the way he tamed new comers, seniors and potential young reporters, journalists was noteworthy.

He knew what to do, when to do, how to do.

But only one thing she never understood was his harsh decision towards the most important person of his life ......

She always tried to ask or rather tried to know why he did so but never got a proper answer from him or his sister who was also her best friend. She felt bad seeing him so lost at times when he looked towards a particular desk. She genuinely wanted to help him come out of things but whom was she trying to knock on .... ASR? Impossible !

He masks his feelings so well that you don't believe that he's a completely broken man.

He smiles, he plays games, he listens to gossips, he jokes around, he eats his lunch with his employees sometimes, gives a coffe break to staff, mentors them with fun activities, gives them proper lectures, helps them when they are struck at times, also scolds and warn them when they don't do it properly. He had been a amazing boss all these years but only she knew why did so.

He was trying to distract himself from the pain he invited himself years ago with that one particular descision. He never regretted over that decision but he feels bad of not having enough peace in life.

That one decision..... That particular decision of letting ......

And the door screeching opened indicating his arrival.... The all silent BT office was filled with smiles, chirping of the staff, warm wishes with the arrival of their boss.

The aura he carried was contagious.

It boosted the confidence of his staff and it showed everytime he entered the office with a huge smile. Typical ASR smile.

" Good morning Ms tripathi " a voice came in a most adorable way and she jumped out of her thought process to greet him.

" Morning Mr ASR "

They both entered into his cabin, her following him with her notepad and pen.

" So what's today's plans ....? Are we having any headache sessions today ? " He joked.

She chuckled at how he mentions meetings with interior designers as headache sessions

" Yes sir , one such meeting is scheduled at 4 pm today .... With pune office building's interior designer "

" Oh god ! I need an extra coffe today ..... I need ramu kaka's extra sweet coffee to stay numb for the whole session...." He laughed at his own jokes

She smiled too how easily he handles the things that were utter nonsense to his work.

And the day began with all the meetings, intern orientation sessions, reports, reporting works and numerous calls attending sessions. He literally kept everyone on their toes but never made them feel stressed about it. Just because he was never a stress inducer but stress reliever, people at BT never minded him keeping everyone on toes. They loved their boss.

Lunch sessions will be amazing as he would turn out to be a cool office colleague for everyone out there. Today sasha brought him a box full of schezwan noodles and he, as usual, rolled hsi sleeves up and enjoyed his meal relishing it along with praising her mom for doing it. Typical ASR appraisal.

Often at times, people use to thank him by feeding him with home made food items and he at times, would slip his tongue to relate to the food made by his important person. He would realise, calm himself down and change the topic within seconds.

Such a magician he is, who tricks everyone.

She never fell prey to his tricks as the pain in his eyes would always brim up. She was more experienced than him and she knows how it feels to be away from their loved one

After a long meeting with interior designers, he asked prem ( assistant ) to give him a 15 mins break.

Everyone left his cabin, only they were left

" Rupi didi .... Please call ramu kaka and ask him to get a strong coffee .... My head is bursting..... God ! How do you handle this rupi didi....!"

She chuckled how he call her rupi didi whenever he behaves childish. He calls her by her name only when no one is around.

Roopali tripathi, personal secretary of the CEO of Bhaskar Times ( BT )

" Aryan .... Natak mat karo ... Aaj toh bohot kam bola hein unn logon ne "

[ Don't act aryan ... They spoke very less in this session ]

" Aapko ye kam lag raha hein didi ? Seriously ? Ek na ek dinn unki maut ho jaani hein mere haton se ...."

[ You find it less ? Someday I will choke them to death ]

" Stop it aryan ! Don't behave like a child now .... I'll ask ramu kaka to get a coffee "

" Strong coffee rupi didi "

" No Aryan! Not again....."

" Please didi "

" It's a clear NO "

" But why ?"

" Don't you dare forget the promise you made to your both sisters .... If you don't remember, let me call arpita ....she will recall things well than me ..."

" Oh please! No ! You both have seriously been blackmailing me with your things for years now ..... This is harassment "

"Stop being dramatic ! I will send in a coffee and please take some rest until your next meeting is scheduled"

" With whom ?"

" With Mr prateek rawat "

" Oh okay.... Also rupi di please get yourself a fresh lime soda ..... Look at you ... How drained you are "

" Okay baba ASR ! "

" Not that okay ! "

" Oh i have right to tease my brother just as your jungli had ...."

His smile dropped and she bit her tongue

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to ..."

" It's okay rupi di ..... You delay the coffee, I become a lazy cat in next meeting ...."

She smiled how quick he was to change the topic and hide his brimming up tears.

" Aryan .... How long will you avoid this ?"

He was silent

" Aryan ! "

No answer

" Forget it ! Huh ! " she turned around and was walking to the door when she heard him speak to which her feet stopped

" Adi kaisa hein ?"

[ How's adi doing ? ]

******* To be continued*******

Here's the twist guys !


This is a part (i) of this 7th shot !

Do tell me how it is !

Thank you for all the love 😍

See you soon !

Writer _Ak signing off !! ☺️❤️

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