Chapter 1: Straight into the Lions Den

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Juliet's POV:
"Here you go, dear."

I jump slightly, almost dropping the book that I'm currently trying to push onto the top shelf. I spin around and face the lady standing behind me.

"Thank you so much, '' I say softly, accepting the steaming cup of my favorite tea that Mrs. Ava is holding out to me.

"Your welcome Honey," she replied. "How are you, Sweetheart?"

"I'm great Miss Ava ."

"Good. Now, why don't we take a break and have tea before we head home."

"That sounds great."

We settle on the couch after Mrs. Ava closes the bookshop and runs upstairs to grab a plate of peanut butter cookies. We talk about books, which is pretty much our only topic of discussion since we're both major bookworms. We're in the middle of talking about Shakespear when I start to feel my body shut down. I'm in the middle of a sentence when my speech slurs and my head drops as I lose control of my body.

A few minutes later I slowly start to regain consciousness. I blink warily as my limbs spasm slightly. I straighten up to see Miss Ava smiling patiently.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Ava, did I break a mug again? I asked worriedly.

"No Sweetheart I grabbed it. Are you sure you're going to be ok walking home?"

"I'll be fine, I think the fresh air will help wake me up a little," I replied.

I quickly finish my tea and say goodbye to Miss Ava before exiting Just One More Chapter. I slowly begin my walk home through the quiet streets of Kings Landing, a small town about half an hour outside of New York City. This town is very pretty with colorful buildings and cheerful shops but it is also very dangerous. Two competing motorcycle clubs The Satan's Savages MC and The Sinner Saints MC run it. They're always fighting for territory but I try my hardest to stay away from both of them because, to be honest, the men in those clubs terrify me. I quicken my pace as the sun begins to dip below the horizon. I hate walking at night. I'm walking past a creepy ally when a hand shoots out and grabs my wrist, making me yelp.

Suddenly I'm yanked into a rock-hard chest, the hand tightening around my wrist painfully. The man leans down so his mouth is right next to my ear. I cringe as his horrid breath brushes against the side of my face. He smells like cigarette smoke and beer, two things I've always despised.

"Hey Darlin," he growls, his voice sounding like he hasn't drank water in a week. "What's a pretty thing like you doin out here all alone?"

"Let go of me," I snap, trying to sound brave.

"Settle down Sweetheart, I'm gonna show you a great time."

He begins to drag me into the alley making my fight or flight response kick into overdrive. I choose both. Before I can think I swing my head back, headbutting him in the mouth. Then I spin around and kick him between the legs as hard as I can. His whole body folds in half as he drops to his knees. Well, he's definitely not going to be able to have children now. I turn and grab my bag, which still has everything in it thank God, then I sprint down the sidewalk as fast as I possibly can. My heartbeat thuds in my ears as my feet slam against the sidewalk. I can hear heavy footsteps and I know that man is following me. I push myself to run even faster, my body running on pure adrenaline and fear. I have no idea where I'm going. My apartment is too far away and I don't want this freak to know where I live.

I spot a bar and sprint inside. The bell jingles as the door slams behind me. I pray that that guy won't follow and apparently someone is listening for once because I peek outside and see him run past the bar and down the dark street. I sign in relief and turn around only to find everyone in the room staring at me. I drop my head as a blush stains my entire face. The thing about being pale is that when you blush your entire body blushes. I wipe away the tears that have gathered in my eyes from fear or pain I'm not sure since my wrist is still throbbing. Any time I feel any emotion I cry, it's very annoying.

All We Need Are Books. An MC Romanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن