When He Have A Nightmare

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They dreamed about collecting the power from the seven stars to summoning Nova who exhausting every wish. Kirby must wish to make the sun and the moon stop fighting, Marx betray them and make his wish to control Popstar. When Kirby is lost in space, they thought that the power from the seven stars are going to save them like what actually happened... but this time, nothing happen... their body start to be frozen by the cold of space, they beg for someone for help and the result is the same... nobody is there... but before they lost conscious, Kirby quickly wake up and shaking you for waking you up. Kirby then explains to you their nightmare, you comfort Kirby by feeding them and singing lullaby.

Bandana Waddle Dee:

He made a nightmare where a unknown forces take over Popstar, everyone are running away in panic and sadly Kirby lost their fight against this enemy. Bandana Waddle Dee is helping you to go in a hiding space where everyone in Popstar are hiding but you both got attack by the minions. Before one of minions could stab you, Bandana Waddle Dee quickly waking of fears and the first thing he do is to cuddle against you.

Meta Knight:

In his nightmare, he was fighting against you. You were possess by a unknown identity, Meta Knight want to find a way to make this identity to leave your body without hurting you. But during this fight, Meta Knight starts to be really tired and doesn't take attention at what is he doing and it's exactly what happens... before you could end him, Meta Knight feel nothing but a warm and liquid. He looks up and see you being stab by his sword. Before you could lost your breath, Meta Knight quickly waking up and he looks at you sleeping peacefully next to him and he go back to sleep.

King Dedede:

His kingdom got attack a colony of Dark Matters and with their lord Zero, he tries to make his solders and you safe but you all get possess by every Dark Matters one by one. Then King Dedede wake up really fast and when he see you sleeping peacefully next to him, he go back to sleep next to you silently.


The same nightmare again and again... He betrayed Kirby and wish to Nova to conquer the planet Popstar, but he was defeated the pink puff ball. But then he absorbed some part of Nova and defeated Kirby, he finally reached his goal and hurting all people in Dream Land and even you... He wake up with sweat on him and you wake up by the same way. every time you asked him what is his nightmare, Marx simply ignore you and go back to sleep...


He saw Kirby, Dedede, Bandana Waddle Dee, Meta Knight and you fighting him when he was fully controlled by the Master Crown, Kirby and the other were dead and you were crying. He controlled all the galaxy and he forced you to follow him, the last thing he heard before he wake up is you begging him to wake up... Magolor wake with tears and you next to him, you make him feel comfortable while he talks about you his nightmare.


He is all alone in a flower field...
Then Taranza heard a familiar voice, he floating towards the origine of the voice and then he saw the Dimension Mirror. He saw a reflection on it, but it wasn't his... it's yours. When Taranza comes closer, you started to agonise in pain and you turning into Queen Sectonia. Then Taranza is quickly waking up from this nightmare, he starts to crying and snuggle next to you silently.


Gooey was chased by something really big, the footsteps could make huge earthquake. He then blocked by a dead end, Gooey decide to looking behind him to see who is chased him and see a giant creepy teddy bear with a big hammer. Before the giant hammer could smashing Gooey, he quickly wake up. But the first things he saw is ugly teddy bear in your wardrobe, he grab it with his tongue and throw it at the window, after that he go back to sleep next to you.

Dark Matter:

It's nothing but only darkness, he see others dark matter like him and his old leader... Zero. He was the rejected one of these dark matter, one day he decided to go away from his colony and found Popstar... But then he saw Zero and others dark matter controlling all the planet and he can't find you anywhere... He wake up and look next to him and see you sleeping peacefully, he calm down and continue to sleep and try to forget that terrible nightmare.


Daroach dreamed about collecting really precious treasure of Popstar, but when he want to see you in your house... he can't find you anywhere, he try to calm down and go all around of Popstar to find you and sadly he didn't find you. He starts to crying and calling your name many times before you wake him up, he hugging you really tightly and explaining his nightmare to you.

Shadow Kirby:

The Mirror World was on fire, they could heard the scream of everyone. They tried to find you anywhere but they found... Dark Mind. Shadow Kirby wake up by screaming and crying, you start to wake up and comforting Shadow Kirby by singing a lullaby and give many kisses on their forehead.

Dark Meta Knight:

You both got heavily injured by the fight against Dark Mind, then Dark Meta Knight see Dark Mind coming closer to you. Dark Meta Knight want to stop him but his body hurts him a lot, he yell at you to running away but you was unconscious and before Dark Mind could stab you with your own sword, he quickly wake up from this nightmare. Dark Meta Knight feel something heavy on him, he looks up and see you sleeping on him, he get ennoyed by you sleeping on his body and he get out of your room to sleeping on the sofa.

Galacta Knight:

He dreamed about his old life when he was a hero, every life that he saved and many people who were happy. And then those idiots who were scared of him and his powers, he fights about his freedom and of course he was sealed in a crystal... He wake up half angry and half sad, he looked at you sleeping and calm down.

I know it's been a while that I didn't post a new chapter, it's just that my old phone got a big problem with the battery who really quickly get empty.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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