You Gotta Do What Makes You Happy

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Brian Wilcox - Fluff (with a little smut, as a treat (-; )
**warnings; alcoholism and just a bad home life in general** 

         "No! I've had enough! I quit!" You yelled. 

You'd had drinks thrown in your face, been berated by asshole customers, and on top of that-- your boss, Tony, was a total perv. Brian turned to you wide-eyed-- Tony glaring with anger. "You have to put in your two weeks formally." 

You scoffed. "Fuck that." You spat with venom. "This shit-hole doesn't deserve my two weeks." You narrowed your eyes, trying your best to one-up Tony. You were tired of this abuse. No-- the fast-food business isn't glamourous-- hell, it's barely tolerable... but you were fed up. 

 You were being overworked and underpaid-- even for your overtime which you were pretty sure wasn't legal. "Fine, finish up your shift and you're free to leave. You can pick up your check next week." Tony walked off without another word. Brian quickly shuffled over to your side. 

"Don't leave." He muttered barely audibly. "Brian... I'm done. I can't do this anymore." You sighed heavily. You did feel bad, Brian was the one good thing about working at Mickey's, but unfortunately, being around him wasn't enough to make you continue to suffer through the maltreatment. "Please." He practically begged. 

You chuckled softly, more from exasperation rather than humor. "You could leave with me." You suggested somewhat sarcastically. He cowered his head with a gentle shake. "I-I can't." He didn't meet your gaze. You rolled your eyes, arms crossed over your chest. "Well, why not? There's nothing good about this place." He seemed to chuckle softly, "Well, you were here." You rolled your eyes again despite a small smile pulling at your lips. "Yeah, but I'm out of here after we close up." 

His smile was sympathetic and almost longing-- as if he was still pleading you to stay, but even if you had changed your mind the damage had been done-- and there was no way you were going to beg for forgiveness on your knees to Tony; he didn't deserve your vulnerability. 

"Tony's a prick but..." Brian's words trailed off as he finally met your gaze. His lips pulled into a disappointed smile. You sighed and gently placed your hand on his upper arm. "I'll still see you around school and stuff, it's not like I'm disappearing forever." You smiled softly. 

A more relaxed expression washed across his face, "I know, but... you made this job bearable." You giggled softly, "Wow, I'm gonna go tell Andrew that." You began to turn like you were running to snitch on him, but he grabbed your arm rather firmly pulling you back to him. "Don't you dare." His green eyes pierced yours as a playful smile pulled at your cheeks making him roll his eyes. "Well... at least we still close together tonight." He sort of shrugged. "Yeah. One last night." You smiled.

     You ran the drive through the last few hours, not having the energy to deal with registers, or else you'd run out the doors right on the spot. Tony left about an hour before Mickey's closed-- of course, cause he's useless unless it comes to staring at your ass or tits. Brian had almost seemed to forget about your departure as you shut down the restaurant. He was his normal self, joking and laughing. 

Until you flipped off the lights-- then it seemed to sink in again. You both waved Andrew goodbye, him wishing you good luck as he left. As Brian locked the front doors he turned to you, "I still can't believe you're done." You pat his shoulder softly, before giving it a squeeze. "You'll survive, Brian, I promise." You teased.

He looked really upset and you weren't necessarily sure as to why... yeah, you and him were good friends but unless you were working he never really went out of his way to talk to you. Plus when you were working, you were always in the front while he worked in the kitchen, so any time you did talk was when he'd lean over the counter or while you closed. 

𝒑𝒂𝒖𝒍 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now