A visit

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You and Mui are alone, ehich gives you the perfect time to confess. "Muichiro, I-" I start to say before I get interrupted by my older brother. "Mai! We're going to visit our hometown." He says with a smile. Muichiro says,"I've never seen you smile." It's like he doesn't even care! Giyuu just frowns as leaves. "So Tomioka-Chan, what did you want to tell me?" I called him by his first name, but he doesn't call me by mine. "Oh nothing, just wanted to ask, can I call you Mui?" His eyes widened a tad bit. He said,"Sure, Mai-Chan." I blushed. A lot. He turned bright pink. I told him that we better start packing. He agreed. We were on our way. And of the pillars came along too. Rengoku was.. dead. We got that news a little while ago. I didn't know him that well but, he was super kind and nice. Uzui Called him flashy. Iguro and Mitsuri were talking. She looked back a shot me a quick smile. We had a lot to talk about when we got there. Once we arrived we were greeted by our old friends! "Sabito!" Giyuu called out. Sabito was there. The were really close since they last parted. We decided to visit my old friends house. "Oh look! Their back" the other one groaned. "Hey don't be so mean!" Shouted my friend. I shot her a look and said,"Hey! Nao! Nice to see you! She replied," Nice to see you to Mai!" I laughed. We went off walking somewhere. I told her about my crush of Mui. She gasped and said we would fit perfectly together.
Mui's POV
Mai is acting unusual again. I'll admit I feel a little funny around her. But the feeling is unknown. I don't know why I even bother with her. Letting her call me Mui was a stupid Idea. "Mui!" Mai called. That burst me about of my bubble. I looked the opposite way and stared up into the clouds."Mui?" She said again. I ignored. She kept on asking and asking. "What?!" I yelled. She shot back in surprise. I gasped realizing what I had just done. I bowed and left. I didn't want to see her again. Not until I'm ready to apologize.
Mai's POV
He.. just yelled at me. I really think I shouldn't confess. Tears shot in my eyes and I started sobbing. Mitsuri ran up to me,"How did the confess g-" She stopped speaking. She gasped and hugged me," Oh god I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." She really had nothing to apologize for. I didn't even confess. We walked back into my room. Giyuu was sitting in the bed. When he saw me crying he sat up and asked what happened. I explained everything and the both gasped. "That bitch!" Giyuu mumbled. Mitsuri have him a small punch,"Hey! Language!" I laughed. A crying laugh. They are so nice to me. I want to repay them. But how.. I fell asleep in Mitsuris arms. That's when Muichiro walked in. I was unconscious.
Mui's POV
When I walked in I felt kind of jealous. Mitsuri shot me a look. Giyuu had already left. "What at you doing here?!" She whispered. "Wrong room" I said. She started," Don't come back" with a little hmph too. I asked," what's that all about?" I said that with a little tone in my voice." How could you be so mean?! And for what." She said as I shot back in realization. "I just didn't want to be spoken to is that such a problem?!" I argued back. "Mai was crying. Because of YOU." Mai moved a little and I tilted my head. " Me?! Just because of that?!" Mitsuri shot me a look. She looked really angry and I've never seen her like that," she deserves someone better. I don't know what she saw in you. I don't know why she even like you." Mitsuri said. I looked at Mai. She was asleep. I could tell she was crying." All the for trying to confess." Mitsuri said. "Now get out." I stood there." get out." She repeated. I said no. "Get the FUCK out." She yelled Mai opened her eyes a little and I walked out.
Mai's POV
What happened. I heard Mitsuri yell. The others did too I'm guessing. I asked," Mitsuri." I groaned."What happened?" She replied with,"Nothing you need to know." I shrugged and got up. I went downstairs to see the others. All except Giyuu. Hmph. Thought he would be there. I just sat down to eat. It was dinner time. Gosh, how long did I sleep? I saw Muichiro. Mitsuri plopped down infront of me and hugged me. " Awh wake up Mai!" I groaned and continue to eat. Sanemi and Shinobu were talking. Misturi wouldn't let go of me and I chuckled. "I'm tired I'm going to bed" I said. "But you slept all day!" Mitsuri added." Im sleeping in your room!" When Shinobu heard that she jump up and said," Me too!" We all laughed. Giyuu came in the room when we were all talking."oh it's Giyuu." Shinobu said. Giyuu looked annoying."where's muichiro." He asked. He noticed me,"oh sorry" muichiro was right behind him. "You we're looking for me" muichiro said. "Hey Tokito-San" I mumbled. He looked at me shocked. Shinobu asked,"huuuh? I thought you called him Mui?" Mitsuri explained everything. But Mui was right behind the door.
Muichiro's POV
What.. she called me tokito-San? I thought she called me Mui. Oh. I want to apologize. Giyuu hit me in the head and I knocked out. I woke up in a few minutes I was bleeding. The girls were still talking and I heard it all. I started crying. I've never cried before. Expect when my twin.. died. I remember that feeling. I got up and left.
Mai's POV
"I gotta use the restroom" I said. I walked out. I stepped in something. A puddle of blood and tears. I spoke,"Girls.. come here" they opened the door and were in complete shock. Who's blood was this, who's tears? They helped me clean the blood of my foot. I had no ideas whose it was. I couldn't sleep all night.

It was a usual day and I got dressed and went downstairs to eat. I saw a wound on Tokito. Right by his eye. He was eating. He looked at Giyuu who looked at him. I immediately knew. That my brother hurt Tokito. But that doesn't explain the tears. Did he listen to in conversation? Does he know I like him. Do I even like him anymore. Nao was away. She had to go on a trip when we were visiting. So it was just me and the pillars. I went to see the cherry blossoms. Muichiro followed me. I wasn't aware of him. He said," Tomioka-San, I-" I didn't want to hear it. But I let him continue."I wanted to apologize for screaming at you. I was just angry about something." I didn't respond. I sighed. "I heard about your conversation.. and uh. I'm so sorry. I didn't know you liked me.." I knew it. He doesn't like me. I had tears and my eyes and sniffled. Not loud though. I didn't want him to know. Honestly. I like him. But does he actually feel the same way?
Muichiro's POV
I really didn't know she liked me. But now that I think about it, it was kinda obvious. I sighed. I don't know why I even bother. She won't forgive me. I liked her to. But not in that way. I walked back down the hill with tears in my eyes. I'm sorry Mai. I'm sorry for being immature.
A note from meeee!!
That took to long to write. So happy. I never wrote this much (1332 words) see ya later!

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