Chapter 2: Movie Night and Attack

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Sonic was happy and smirked. "Let's do this."

And that's what exactly happened. Y/N was on the couch, feeling quite nervous about what Sonic might do or what plans he had in his mind. He was still a teen and so was Y/N but not many teens were like that wild and naughty to create trouble like throwing parties without their parents' permission. But Sonic was alone... Longclaw died by sacrificing her life for Sonic but then he met the Wachowski family. He was a lot happier than he used to be when the owl was alive...

Y/N looked around, just randomly examining things of how quiet it was around. But she felt... calm? Many teens imagined how it would be like living alone and Y/N felt like she was having fun. But imagining living alone was also quite scary so many of the people brought pets to have company or live with their friends. Fun, wasn't it?

Y/N heard then noises and saw Sonic dressed weirdly and dancing, causing her to laugh. He looked funny! But the girl couldn't believe what happened next... Food and drinks everywhere. Every nightmare for the parents if they entered their homes, seeing messes like these. Sonic caused even more trouble like skateboarding around, getting Oreo cookies from the store (with paying it), and a HUGE bubble bath. 

Sonic created a disco ball on the ceiling and looked at Y/N, who had a look of disbelief and he laughed. Y/N smirked and grabbed some bubbles, throwing them at his face. It eventually broke out into a bubble fight!


Y/N then felt her phone buzzing so she quickly took it out and her eyes opened wide. It was Tom calling through facetime. She looked at Sonic. "Sonic!"

Once the blue hedgehog looked, Y/N pointed at the phone screen. Sonic panicked before cleaning everything up with his speed and once everything was complete, Sonic laid simply his head on Y/N's lap and snuggled. Remember, like siblings! 

Y/N sighed in relief as she answered her phone and petted Sonic with her free hand. "Hey, dad! How are you doing?"

"Doing fine, sweetie. It's hot like I excepted! How are you doing? Are you ok? Any troubles?" Tom began rambling.

Y/N? laughed a bit before interrupting him. "I'm alright, dad. No troubles at all."

Tom sighed in relief. "That's good. How's Sonic doing?"

Y/N looked at Sonic and awed quietly. Sonic fell asleep, purring like a cat. She looked back at Tom. "Sonic fell asleep."


Y/N managed to avoid any trouble while talking to Tom. It was so close like Ozzy walked past with bubbles on his back! A good excuse Y/N made was that she washed Ozzy but then Tom called. Good escape, right?

Sonic awoke later and now the three of them were on the couch, eating popcorn and watching a movie. He made a few comments before Y/N noticed something in the corner of her eye. It was yellow and glowing... It was a ring?! Then the power went out.

Sonic did scare poor Ozzy before then attention was snatched because the tv was then turned on but nothing was on the screen. What was going on? Was someone here? Yes. But who came out through the ring? 

Sonic got carefully out of the couch and Y/N followed the same, staying close to Sonic just in case with a bat in her hands. You never know. "Excuse me. We did not order a poltergeist."

They got slowly to the front door, not realizing that the thunder managed to flit, creating a shadowy figure belonging to Eggman. It was creepy as well because the lights were flickering as if the house was freaking haunted. 

The siblings stopped because they heard noises right outside their house. "If this is the pizza guy, this is really unprofessional."

"S-Sonic, I don't think it's a pizza guy," Y/N whimpered, feeling scared. And her answer was right. It wasn't a pizza guy at all.

Sonic was scared to death once someone destroyed the lock! Sonic was pressed against Y/N's legs as the girl's eyes went wide upon realization. Eggman. 

Once the door opened, Y/N and Sonic couldn't believe who they saw. "Eggman?!"

Eggman blew the electricity off his finger and smirked at Sonic and Y/N. "Hello, hedgehog. Hello, human. Did you miss me?"


Sonic became angry. "I don't know how you got back, but you made a big mistake coming here."

"Au contraire, mon free (On the contrary, my brother)," Eggman responded in French. "The mistake was thinking you'd won. But that was just a prelude, an hors d'oeuvre, an aperitif, an amuse-bouche."

"We get it," Y/N said in an angry tone, holding the bat close.

Eggman chuckled evilly. "I don't think you do." That's when Eggman walked closer. "But you're about to. And so will that idiot sheriff and his wife."


Eggman officially pissed Sonic off that he went to attack him but he couldn't believe what he saw next. A red-figure appeared, his fist flitting in red electric, and hit Sonic brutally that he landed on the couch. 

"Sonic!" Y/N didn't think twice before whipping the red-figured head with her bat.

"Ouch!" Then the purple eyes meet her E/C ones. They both froze and blushed. 

My Knucklehead (Movie! Knuckles x Human! Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang