The whole room was silent and the girl could feel the intense glare the woman was giving, she had grown to the pain and fright had been gone from her system long ago "you better be ready" the woman from a far whispered

The woman was the first one to leave the room saying that she had to do something first and will come back to pick them up "hey takara chan you shouldn't be talking to sensei like that, you don't know what she can do" the girl just smiled "i know exactly what she can do so don't worry" the boy just nod his head and continue eating, takara then look up at the people who is chosen to fight tonight's tournaments, it was all the division captain 'guess todays event is a important one all the good fighters are in here, baji kisuke with matsuno chifuyu. the nahoya brothers, hana shuji with kisaki tetta, manjiro sano with ken ryuguji, and last pair me and hanagaki takemichi' takara thought


At The Tournament

takara blink a few times to adjust to the lighting of the place, she let her eyes explore the place trying to find a exit or something to help her escape the hell she's pushed to get into

"be careful dear.. i dont wanna lose a very magnificent student like you" the woman whispered to her as she walk pass her brushing her shoulder with hers

"I'd rather die than to be your student" she whispered as she balled her fist, swallowing all the guilt and pain she will be having after all this, she knows that she'll be hurting few innocent people again and some other who's also pushed to do all this thing, like it was just a game to them

"hey you okay?" she was pullen back to eality when takemichi nudge her, she look at him and also the other members of toman who was looking at her "your still not used to all of this things are you?" the boy asked while she just sat down the floor fist balled in annoyance

"wake me up if it's our turn"


The gate shut open and there goes manjiro sano and ken ryuguji walking in. claps from the poeple outside the stadium echoed throughout the place as they sat like royals waiting to be entertained, the two of them bowed there heads "kenchin just dont die" the taller just chuckled

another pair went in the and another round of applause rang around the whole place, a white haired boy a long with green haired boy look at both manjiro and kenchin "jhansen brin, dont make it easy for us" the guy with green hair spoke hands on the back his head "The names Red, give us your best, that's if you have one" the white haired boy spoke

"Ken ryuguji" the tall man gave an intimidating look hands shove in his pockets, while mikey on the hand just stood up there looking up the two boys who stare back at them

"sate doya shite?"『Well how do you want to die?』 mikey spoke with a motionless look, eyes dark as the abyss of the lurky waters


takara balled her fist as she look at the trembling boy beside her, she could feel how scared he was, she took a deep breath then put an arm on takemitchi's shoulder

"What are yah scared now?" takemitchi remove her arms off his shoulder then smirk "Scared? me? tsk i ain't scared of anything"

takara rolled her eyes as a reply, she then look up at the people out the stadium, all of them we're looking down at them like they were the smallest thing in earth, the ones who doesnt have any value, the ones that doesn't supposed to exist in this world, takara put up an annoyed face then look back down at the knife which she had on her hand

"Let the tournament begin"

Takara raised a brow thinking what kind of fight they'll be having, one thing she knew tho, they won't go easy on them, now that a lot of people had seen how she works at a fight

"Open the gates!!"

Five gates open smoke emiting from each doors and five black bulls came out scratching their hooves on the ground

'so this was why they made as wear this red cloak's huh'

Takara thought licking her dried lip's, she then look at her side where takemitchi was standing and his expression made takara grit her teeeth whilst she balled her fist

"hey takemitchi we can't be just standing here, we cannot die without a fight and there's a lot of people watching, they're expecting a good show, why don't we give them the best show then" takemitchi stood there like a stone not knowing what to do, he didn't even heard what takara said, and with a sigh takara just pulled him runnng away from the bullls, she was sure that they don't have a chance, any seconds they'll be runned over by the black angry bulls

"Takemichi!!! You idiot how can you pass out at time like this?!!"
she pushed takemitchi to the side and take out the knife, she breath out rolling her eyes

"Tsk! What a brag"

she jump up on one of the bull, while the others run towards the bull she was on they're horns stab through the one she was riding on

'Four more to go' she thought running towards the weapon table with the speed she always had, she bit her lips annoyed seeing only one rope 'That's there plan from the beginning huh' to kill both of them, tho she wasn't planning on getting killed by an animal at the moment, she grab the rope then run towards the other side of the room, as the last four bulls chased her, she closed her eyes for a moment while the bulls run towards her, the bulls were only one meters away from her when she jump and all the bulls hit there horns on the wall making it groan loudly, the young girl smirk running at a speed tying all the bulls with the rope she had, then she went under each and one of them, stabbing the four bulls on the stomach and on its neck


she uttered wiping away the dust on her cloaths, and walked towards the still daze takemichi, anger raised inside her as she only glared at all the people out the stadium, she grabbed the dagger which takemichi was holding then throw it up but it didn't went through the glass that was seperating them from the people watching them


"Don't you think you went overboard on this one?"

the taller boy spoke, while Sano just shrugged his hands shoved inside his pocket "They said they want a fun fight right? Well this is the fun i know" kenchin on the other hand just sigh walking with the older one, all the people were cheering for them

Hey author chan is here, just want to thank those who's still reading this, i really appreciate, please forgive me if there's a grammar problems, and also to the typos in here

Hope you all have the best days during this year, love you all guys

Tokyo Revengers ff 『The Hell I've Been Through』Where stories live. Discover now