Episode 1.7: Something Must End For Something To Begin

Start from the beginning

"Unless," Mayumi interjects, "his classmates were defending him on purpose?"

Her suggestion is ridiculous, but with it, the puzzle pieces fit snugly into place.

"They have to be defending him!" she shouts it louder. "But why? How? Is he threatening them? Blackmailing them into keeping their mouths shut?"

Nagahiro rests a finger on his chin. "I've considered those possibilities as well. Without a doubt, Tsuneo Ishihara is the culprit. However, his crimes are being kept a secret by not only Ayano Kumagai, the class representative, but his entire class. As it stands, there is no evidence to pin these missing belongings on him. Therefore, as it stands, this case will remain unsolved."

"What if he wasn't the culprit?"

The room falls silent.

All eyes turn to me, freezing me in the process. Their astonishment is tangible. Even Sosaku, who normally has his eyes closed, stares at me with wide, glimmering blue eyes.

It's understandable. Up until this point, I've been a witness. A silent observer. I haven't commented on a single theory, nor have I devised one. However, as I've listened to their exchange, as I've overheard these detectives' thought processes, it's clear that they've overlooked something crucial.

They've blocked their ears to vital information.

This information only I can hear.

I gulp, my heart slamming against my ribcage. "What if Tsuneo Ishihara is the hero in this story, not the villain?"

My lips meet, flatlining. Nobody moves. In fact, they're glued to my every syllable.

"We've tackled this from the perspective that he's the bad guy," I say. "That he's evil. But, not all "troublemakers" are intimidating and scary. Not all "delinquents" use threats or blackmail. Some are nice and reliable and trustworthy. Some will talk a frightened kitten out of a tree. Some will even have a beautiful palate worthy of being called the Epicure."

"Who are we talking about here? Still Ishihara?"

Michiru dishevels strands of my hair. He sneaks up from behind me and makes no intention of budging from my side. I jump, cheeks warming indescribably. Oh, no. I was getting carried away.

"Essentially, Fuyune is suggesting that the class of 1–B are covering for Ishihara not out of blind fear, but amicability," Michiru translates to the rest of the group on my behalf. "They trust him. This supposed "villain.""

"I see." Manabu nods, beaming from ear to ear. "You present an interesting perspective, Fuyune-kun. In other words, true beauty lies on the inside, and outer appearances are only secondary. Tell me, is this viewpoint one you've learned from spending quality time with Michiru?"

Quality time?

For some reason, the notion sends my skin aflame. "That's not really. . . Michiru has nothing to do with it."

"What's this, what's this?" Mayumi demands, accusatorially projecting the volume of her voice. "Fuyune, Mr. Delinquent, is there something you two would like to share with the rest of the class?"

"Be quiet, Mayumi." Michiru is quick to silence her teasing. "More importantly, Leader, I have a request."

He cranes his head, allowing his bangs to spill over his left eye and cheek.

"It has to do with what Fuyune mentioned. Can we make a short trip?"

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