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{Due to request I have decided to continue the story past the lines of MK}

After Jake and I come home we scramble through the cupboards. All Steven has in them is a half eaten box of stale cereal that Marc was eating earlier and a box of open chocolates that have collected dust.

"Are you kidding me Steven?" I ask, I'm hungry.

"I'm sorry I've been stuck in Egypt for a week!" Steven says out of nowhere.

"Geeze you scared me." I say clutching my chest. "I'm going to Layla's, I'll pick something up for dinner on the way back. Laters gators." I say.

"Bye y/n!" Steven yells

"Be safe peanut." Marc says

"Always." And with that I shut the door.

"Hello y/n." All of a sudden Konshu's standing outside the apartment door.

"Jesus Konshu, don't do that!"

"You didn't do much for your mission earlier, are you sure your cut out for this?" He says, I start walking down to the empty elevator knowing he'll stay with me.

"Yes Konshu, I'm good, you want me to do something don't bring Jake into it he takes all the fun stuff."

"Don't speak badly about Jake." He says defensively.

"Why because he called you bird daddy?" I ask.

"No- it's just- ugh." And with that Konshu disappears.

I walk down the opening hall and when I finally reach the outside world I realize I don't have my bike, ugh.

So I begin what was supposed to be a 20 minute bike ride turned 30 minute walk to my dad's wife's house.

I get to her apartment building, unlock the door.

"Layla?" I call into the seemingly empty apartment.

No response, knowing our family history my mind immediately jumps to the worst possible scenario.

I walk into my bedroom spot the first thing I may need for defense before remembering I can summon the suit within seconds if needed.

"Layla?" I call again just outside her bedroom.

Still no response.

I peer into her room and immediately relax, she's digging around underneath her bed looking for something.

"Layla!" I yell, I must've scared her because all I hear is the loud thunk of her head hitting the frame of her bed.

"Y/n! You scared me, where have you been?" She asks, worry spreading across her face.

"I was at Steven's."

"For days?!?" She said

"What no? Few hours tops! What how many days?" Now I'm scared it was all a dream or something.

"2, you and your father disappeared after the Harrow incident."

"Oh, yeah, well we had some things in another reality I guess, to finish up stuff there."

"I'm gonna ignore that. Why are you here and not with your dad?" She asks.

"Ouch, I dunno maybe because I have a room here, plus Steven only has 1 box of stale cheerios so I figured I'd come here, and go pick up something so that they can continue living." I say as we start walking into the living room.

"You know what I meant y/n, I'm glad to see you especially now that we don't need to worry about Marc going on missions with Konshu." She says pulling me into a hug.

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