The Tomb

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As we hear the car pull up and some men yelling in Arabic we end up shoving the unconscious Steven down into a ditch, I'm praying they assume he's dead, and I'm sure Layla is too.

We hide in the back of the car ducking as they drive around the car.

When they drive away a bit looking at Steven, Layla grabs a flare from a box of them.

I follow as she climbs out and lights it, I don't know why she's doing it but at this angle I can spot the brand of an ammunition company.

The men see us and start driving towards us, Layla starts to go around the back of the car.

"Wait!" I whisper yell. "Give me the flare." I says stretching my hand out.

"What no!"

"Trust me! And hurry their getting close!" She finally sets the lit flare in my hand and I wait until their in range, and I chuck it hitting the ammo perfectly.

The explosion is far enough away from everything, luckily I have a really good arm.

Once the explosion is over I see Steven struggling to climb up the dune.

"Steven!" I scream and run towards him switching the sprint into a hug. "Don't you ever pull something like that again." I can tell he's thrown off but hugs me back soon.

We all get back in the car and start driving.

"We can't lose more time. Harrow must be headed to the tomb." She pauses and glances at Steven. "Look if he is we're gonna need Marc yeah?"

Steven looks away, I've come to think that they can somehow talk through reflective circumstances based on earlier tonight.

If I'm right Marc was probably saying something like "see she gets it!" Because well, it's Marc.

"No, you see, we made a deal, Marc and I, that when he was done with Konshu, he would disappear for good." What? Marc said he'd leave. Forever? No, Steven has to be lying right? No, that sounds like something Marc might say, he never really wanted me anyway he just got stuck with me, that's why he didn't care about leaving me in the desert 11 years ago. Nonetheless it hurts.

"That deal kind of doesn't work with Marc's current situation." I say from behind.

"What do you mean?"

"We'll, if Marc disappears, you become my legal guardian, and I'm not completely sure on the logistics of everything but I'm pretty sure whatever savings you have from being a gift-shopist would not be enough to support a 16 year old girl and you."

"You trying to make me the bad guy here?"

"No I'm simply stating that if Marc goes you're still stuck with me, and I've been told my personality is eerily similar to my fathers."

"Wait- you and Marc made a deal? That he would just disappear from our lives, and you didn't think that maybe we should have been made aware of that?" Layla questions.

"Well, hadn't he already disappeared from your life already?"

"Yeah, I mean, his suit was his best feature wasn't it? Didn't even have that anymore."

"You mean the musty looking bandages that had infinite blades right on his chest?" I ask, she ignores me.

"Plus I know him, he'd wanna lone wolf this whole thing." We all go quiet until Layla parks the car. "We're gonna go on foot from here." We all hop out and start walking

"Looks like they beat us here." I say as we arrive at a small camp.

"We're gonna need another way to beat them to Ammit." Layla responds. "Let's check for supplies, Y/n stick with us." She says that but yet her and Steven start heading in opposite directions in the camp.

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