Ep6: Killer reveal???

Start from the beginning

Y/n: yah pabo, you're not a ghost nor dead. I didn't hear you coz I was thinking something else.

Jin: Y/n*ie you're back to earth from your thoughts? Thank God I'll stop my drama now.

Y/n: oho so you're acting to get my attention. Now someone is really gonna become a ghost..

(Jin gulped, but eventually he became serious)

Jin: By the y/n even though we're playing around like this, now a days I'm noticing that you're not so yourself. You are always lost in your own thoughts. So what happened? Is anything wrong with you?

Y/n : Jinnie, I'm ok, nothing is wrong, it's just that these serial killings I'm worried about. I can't see people dying almost everyday for me.

Jin: Aish, girl, stop worrying. I am worried for them too. But you need not blame yourself also I'm telling you, maybe he/she is not killing for you, it might a coincidence girl.

Y/n: maybe but still-

Jin: come out of that girl, c'mon let's go to park.

Y/n: (while nodding): Ok, but where are those two?

Jin: Joonie is home doing some home works, kookie said he had some important family work. Joonie will join us now.

Y/n: alright then, let's go.

They both were walking to park, while someone called y/n by her name from a distant. She turned and before she could see and react, she got tightly hugged by someone.

Hanseok: y/n*ie, how are you, it has been years we met.

Y/n: omo, hanseok I can't believe it you, you've changed a lot. (Turns to jin) Jinnie, meet hanseok he was my neighbour while I was a child. We were pretty good friends back then.

Jin smiled warmly and shaked his hand..

BUT eventually Joonie said he could not make it. Hanseok and y/n were telling Jin about their childhood moments and then,

Hanseok: y/n back then i kinda had a huge crush on you.

Y/n: ..........

Hanseok: Aish grl I was just kidding..

Time skip: you guys bid goodbyes and parted ways. It was night 9.38 PM


/n was staring outside the window while she eyed something. A silhouette of a black hoodied person. What was he doing? You focused more to see he was having something in his hands... .


He was with another guy. Suddenly he stabbed the other guy.. But you went numb to see the person being killed was Hanseok whom you me met before ½ hour. You almost cried.

That silhouette looked similar to the one that you saw while a girl was killed down the alley before few months

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That silhouette looked similar to the one that you saw while a girl was killed down the alley before few months., and that figure looked so familiar at the same time.

The man was stabbing Hanseok like a crazy creep for several times all over his body, even after he died after mumbling something. You were too shocked and traumatised to do anything at that time. The man slowly turned towards your window, you hurriedly closed the curtain. In a minute or 2 you peeked through a small gap to see if he was gone. The man removed his mask and came into light of the street a little bit.

You could see him clearly. You froze on spot, your legs gave up, it was like the ground under you was falling apart, you couldn't even believe your eyes.

You closed your mouth by hands in fear trembling after seeing his bloodied face..
It was.....

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