Chapter 52 - Home

Start from the beginning

"I love you too dad. Always."


"Wake up Alexa, we're here!" Alessia says shaking me from my sleep and memories. "You look like your starting to heat up again. We need to get you home before it wears off." 

"Hmm.. okay, okay I'm up." I say pushing her hands away and stumbling from my seat. I reach for my bags from the overhead compartment and followed Alessia out of the plane.

The auburn, honey, and almond coloured autumn leaves, made whooshing sounds as the wind blew them across the concrete runway. I heard the occasional crunching sound as our feet and the wheels from our luggage rolled over them. The cool air provided me with little comfort as it brushed against my flushed skin.

Once home, I immediately ran upstairs dropped my suitcase and turned the cold water on. My heat began showing signs of returning while on the plane, however during the thirty minute drive home, it came back quicker than I hoped it would.

I stripped off my clothes and stood under the cool running water letting a sigh leave my lips.
Alessia opened the door to my ensuite and sat against the bath tub keeping me company. I knew she was trying to distract me from my current situation. The shower glass was crystal clear due to the lack of steam but I was too hot to care. It wasn't like she hadn't seen me before.

It didn't take long for the hot flushes to spread from limb to limb. What started as hot now felt scorching. Alessia started filling the bath tub with ice frantically, as she listened to my desperate wails of pain. My screams bounced from tile to tile, from mirror to door until it was a constant noise.

"I don't know what to do with her? I don't know how to help her other than try to find her mate." Alessia confessed to my mother. My mum just sat there with a horrified expression on her face.

Mum hated seeing me in this much pain. She told me on the plane that she just gave into my father earlier than she would have, to take the pain away. That however lead to me and Abe being born as we are highly fertile during heat, or so I was told.

Even though mum was a witch, once the bond was known between her and my father, her body acted the same way as a wolves would. It was probably because he had Alpha blood running through his veins. The need for an heir becomes instinctual, even amongst other species.

After a few minutes Alessia was talking to someone she knew on the phone. I'm sure if I tried listening in on her conversation I could have heard who it was, however my wolf and I were in too much pain to concentrate.

"Okay thanks so much we'll see you there!" Alessia says to the female on the other side of the phone. The pitch was all I managed to hear before she hung up.

Zander's POV:

After seeing my mate a second time, and getting to actually spend some much needed time with her wolf form, I was disappointed to not see her again over the next few days.

When Friday came Shadow felt more restless than ever. He didn't know why, but he had a feeling our mate was further away than normal. We were unsettled and snappy, so much so that no one dared come within a five foot radius of us.

There may have been a long list of broken gym equipment that I now needed to replace, but that was better than aiming my punches at a pack members face. 

It was Sunday and the sun had set an hour ago. I was heading towards my room when I noticed Ella's room light on and her door cracked slightly. Her worried voice was what peeked my curiosity so I listened in.

"If she's in heat we're going to have to find your friends mate." Ella said to the girl on the phone. I could barely make out what the other person was saying, but couldn't hear her tone clear enough to figure out who it was.

"I'm surrounded by humans where we are, should I try and move her?"

"Take her to the cabin, you'll want to bring a thin sheet with you for the car ride." I'll meet you there in ten."

I quickly ducked into my room and changed my clothes. I was surprised Ella didn't ask for my help. It's true, all unmated wolves go crazy around a female in heat, however most Alphas are known to have more restraint due to our desire to protect our pack coming first.

The only one we have zero restraint towards, was our own mate. Our Alpha voice comes in handy also, as we can protect the female from other males who aren't the females mate.

Shadow and I haven't done it before, as that was our fathers role, but I'm sure I would be able to help, being that I'm the soon to be Alpha.

Alexa's POV:

Alessia spent a few minutes trying to dress me in bra, undies and a cute white dress. The undergarments made me feel hotter than before and felt rough and scratchy against my skin.

I tore them from my body refusing to wear them. The dress funny enough, was in the freezer so although uncomfortable, provided a small amount of cooling to my simmering skin. Alexa mumbled something about a sheet and cabin. I made it into the back seat of the car and laid flat against the cool leather.

Mum stayed behind to help Wendy place a protection spell on us and the house again, as Alessia drove. Without realising what was happening I had raised my dress to my waist and would have given every driver a flash if Alessia hadn't thrown the sheet over me. She was speeding past cars and weaving between slow drivers. I heard the tires skid against some gravel as she flung herself out of the car. There were whispers and then I saw Alessia and Ella by my door trying to help me out of the car.

"Wait, the friend you were talking about is Alexa? How? She's not a wolf?" As Ella said the words, Glimmer spoke through me and actually growled out in pain.

"I've been hiding my scent to avoid the males but I don't think I can do this for much longer." Glitter growled out as another wave of sharp stabbing pains erupted all over my body. I was writhing in pain and could see black splotches dance across the outer edges of my vision.

I was in an immense amount of pain. "Alexa, our mate can help us if I let my scent out. Please.. I can't take this any longer!" Glimmer begged in my mind.

"No, I don't want to meet him like this!" I say aloud. 

"I'm sorry I can't.. hold on.. anymore."

"Glimmer! Don't you dare!" I screamed out as another stream of heat sent my knees hitting the steps in front of the cabin. Ella managed to catch me before the rest of my body fell and dragged me towards the couch inside.

Glimmer had gone silent. Too silent for my liking. The sound of a powerful roar echoed through the forest around us.

"Shit! It must be her mate he can smell her! Maybe if we move the car it will throw him off?"  Ella says to Alessia who was now out the door starting the car.

"Look after her Ella or she will set us on fire." I would have laughed at Alessia's words if I wasn't consumed by all this agony. Every muscle from my neck to my fingers to my toes was hot. I wondered if steam would appear at any moment where my feet touched the floorboards. I was getting desperate to stop this pain and felt like I was dying. I wanted it to end so badly. 

Another howl broke free and it sent cool goosebumps shooting up my spine, providing a few seconds of relief. "Just his voice is helping me." I whispered to Ella.

"Alexa.." Her eyes began to widen. "Who is your mate?" I watched as realisation and recognition crossed her face before it morphed into one of fear.

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