"Mayfield?" Jamie asked. "He's in the garden?"

     "Garden?" Ross questioned in return. 

     "He's a vegetable."

     The nurse nodded. "Yes, his chart says he fell into a persistent vegetative state 16 years ago."

     The intern then took the papers out of the nurse's hand while Jamie checked the patients' visuals. "He was a firefighter injured by falling debris in the line of duty. What brings him here today?"

     "Fell from his bed while being turned by one of the orderlies. Insurance says he has to be checked out."

     "Temporoparietal scalp lac with associated hematoma." Jamie muttered, leaning back and turning off her little flashlight. "What's our plan, Cameron?"

     "Irrigate and explore the wound, repair the lac." The intern answered quickly. "He'll need a CT to rule out intracerebral hemorrhage, contusion or cerebral edema."

     "Alright, let's get to it." The resident nodded before snapping on some gloves while Ross was setting up some medical instruments at bedside. "I'd give anything for his kind of serenity. Can't believe I'm jealous of vegetables." As she went to explore the wound on his head, suddenly the patient's eyes opened, and she jumped back. "Oh my- fuck!" Holden was staring right at her. 

     "What the...?" Ross trailed off. "I thought he was... a vegetable."

     "He's supposed to be. Shit... okay, um... he's going to need that CT you said, Cameron, and page Neuro. Let me know what you find."

grey's anatomy

     "Hey," Adam smiled as he approached Jamie and Kathryn at a nurses' station. "I didn't think you two would be working today."

     Jamie forced a laugh. "Well then, you clearly don't know me, Williams."

     "I got a burn patient with Bailey," Kathryn responded. "Tried to deep fry a turkey while being drunk. Stupid human race. Hey, you want to head to the bar with me tonight? I'm not a fan of this whole holiday."

     "I would love to, but a bunch of interns are invited to my house tonight and I have to make sure they don't destroy anything. Did you know interns can be so reckless."

     "Yes, I do." The girl answered quickly. "I worked with Evans the other day- don't even get me started."

      Adam scoffed. "Am I invited to this so-called Thanksgiving dinner?"

     "Sure," Jamie answered. "I have no clue because you'd want to come but sure. You too, Harper. Hate the holiday but free food. Apparently, Stevens is a pretty good cook."

     "What are you even here for?" Kathryn turned to her friend. 

     The resident sighed. "I've got a vegetable patient. My intern is trying to get Dr. Shepherd because the patient is supposed to be in a vegetative state, but he opened his eyes and scared the shit out of me."

     "Shit," The male cursed. "Really?"

     "Yep, I jumped back at least 30 feet." She then shifted on her feet. "I think I pissed my pants a little bit. You know what I'm thankful for? Bathrooms. The only thing I'm thankful for."

     Kathryn shook her head in disgust and put her hand up, signaling her friend to not say anymore. "No- I don't want to know."

     "You know what," Jamie looked at her two friends. "I feel like one of those people who's so freaking miserable they can't be around normal people. Like- like I'll infect the happy people. Like I'm some miserable, disease that you can't get rid of. I'm a dirty, ex-mistress."

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