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when nova stumbled out of the bar that night, she never would've expected to meet her soulmate.

"thank you so, so, sooo much!" nova slurred to the bartender as she got up out of her seat. her boyfriend had broken up with her that day, and she wasn't handling it well. her family had a past of alcoholism, and she wasn't any exception.

as she hobbled to the door leading out to the streets of new york, she tripped on her own feet, her sight blurred from the tequila. a drunken giggle escaped her lips as she walked out of the bar. she started singing 'empire state of mind' quietly. "new york, concrete jungle where dreams are made of!" she started to sing as she opened the door and walked right into a body.

nova quickly looked up, despite her dizziness, to apologize. by the time her head had reached the height it needed to make eye contact, the person she had run into had already put her hands onto novas biceps to balance her.

"woah.." the blonde woman said, stabilizing the shorter girl. "i am really... dizzy." nova mumbled, looking up at the blonde.

"alright, here, let's sit you down real quick." the blonde quickly responded, guiding nova to a bench on the sidewalk. "do you have a ride home?" she asked, looking down at the brunette.

"no, no and i- i don't think i need one. i can just.. i can walk to my apartment." nova answered, shaking her head slightly. the blonde frowned. "no, i don't want you walking.." she said, looking around.

"how about this, what's your name?" the taller girl asked nova. "my name is nova." the brunette answered. "it's nice to meet you, nova. i'm taylor."

"hi taylor." nova greeted, smiling drunkenly. "okay... let's go ahead and get you a taxi." nova frowned and shook her head. "i want to ride with you! you're so pretty, has anyone ever told you that?"

is this a 'drunk words are sober thoughts' or is she just being nice? taylor thought to herself.

"that's kind of you, nova. let's get you into my car." taylor put her arms under novas, picking her up slowly. taylor then lead nova to her limo, where her driver was waiting.

"where to, miss swift?" the driver asked politely. "um.. nova where do you-" taylor started, looking over to see nova already passed out on her shoulder. "just take me home."

the driver nodded through the mirror, driving off to taylor's apartment in new york. on the way there, nova started shifting in her sleep, so taylor lied the brunettes head on her lap, almost falling asleep herself.

as they drove up to taylor's apartment, she gently shook nova, trying to wake her up. when nova wouldn't wake up, taylor lifted her up and took her to the guest bedroom next to hers.

nova was fairly light, so it wasn't a very difficult task taking nova up the flight of stairs. as taylor was tucking nova into bed, she realized in the afternoon the next day was the 1989 secret sessions at her new york home.

she figured that was a problem for tomorrow, and decided to go to sleep in her own bed. as she was walking to her own room, she heard nova get out of bed. being curious of what nova was doing, she walked back over to the guest bedroom where she saw nova on the floor throwing up.

"oh no.." taylor muttered underneath her breath. "i'm- i'm sorry, i'm so, so sorry taylor. i- i was trying to make it to the bathroom, but i-." taylor quickly cut her off by shushing her and pulling her hair back. "it's alright, nova, it's okay."

at this point, nova had started crying, the tears falling from her face to the floor. nova felt guilty for coming into this nice lady's house, just to throw up when all taylor had been was kind. "we- we just met and you're already nicer to me than anyone else ever has been!" nova cried, slowly falling back into taylor's arms.

"thank you," taylor responded reluctantly, becoming flustered. "hopefully you'll feel better in the morning."

"i sure hope so." nova responded. "because right now i feel like absolute shi-" once again, nova was cut off, but this time because she started retching to the side of taylor.

taylor hesitantly rubbed the younger girls back, trying to soothe her. she didn't know what to do in this situation, she had just met nova and didn't know if either of them truly felt comfortable with this close proximity.

as nova quieted down, she leaned back against taylor, wrapping her limp arms around her. "can you just hold me? i've had a really bad- no, horrible day, and i just want something to hold."

taylor was shocked by the brunettes request, but nodded and put her arms around her nonetheless. they may have just met, but taylor knew they would soon grow to be very close.

as nova fell asleep on taylor, the both of them still sat on the ground. taylor was about to drift off, when her phone started buzzing like crazy. as she took out her phone to look at what was going on, she saw dozens of pictures of her walking nova to her limo. some of the news headlines were just crazy.

NEW Taylor Swift with a Possible Girlfriend?

Taylor Swift seen Walking Another One Night Stand to Her Car?

Is Taylor Swift Gay?

taylor shook her head, her eyes watering at the sight. she had just walked a girl to her car, and people were already speculating less than an hour later. she especially felt bad for now dragging nova into all of this mess. she loved being famous and having all of her fans, but sometimes it was just exhausting.

with that now in her head, taylor decided sleep sounded good. taylor's eyes began to feel heavy, and the last thing she remembered before she fell asleep was leaning her head forward on top of novas.

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