Entry One

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Jennette recalls the first time the palace magician visited their little seaside townhouse (well, 'visit' is a broad term for what happened). He had appeared whilst she was tending to the garden (she had read a lot of books on taking care of plants by the sea, and what kinds of flowers she can or cannot grow!). The fifteen year old girl had felt a small breeze from behind her, the deep blue Larkspurs waving back and forth from the wind. They lived near the sea, so windy days weren't out of the ordinary. However, they were moving toward the sea which was a bit odd (just a little bit, since the other side of the garden would be their house).

"Hey, Chime-"


The brunette yelped loudly in surprise, dropping the garden shears that clang against the brick path.

"-ra..." Jennette turned around, green eyes shaken.

"O-Oh, Mister Magician. It's just you," she breathed, smiling wryly whilst lowering herself to pick up the garden shears. At the time, she was wearing a light green voile dress. Although it was the start of August, it wasn't all too hot due to living near the sea. Jennette could only wonder how it is in the capital, however. She wondered if Athy was holed up inside studiously preparing for the Empress life (although it wouldn't be all too different from being the crown princess). Or was it that Athy was enjoying this nice day, having a tea party outside with the Emperor under the cool shade?

"Don't get your hopes up," he told her coldly. The boy materialized a magical ripple, an envelope falling from it and into his hands. He holds it up, fingers pressing tightly against the folded paper making bends and creases. "Hurry and take them."

With arched eyebrows, the brunette carefully took them while cocking her head.

"What are these?"

"Her replies to whatever you say in your letters."

The court magician didn't even attempt to hide his irritated sigh.

"I don't know why she can't just send 'em like she always does," he complained. The girl's eyes looked upon the royal wax seal binding the envelope and the cursive writing on the back that read To Jennette . Warmth spread across her cheeks as she fondly looked upon it, holding it up to her lips.

"Regardless, thank you Mister Magician."

However, the boy's reaction was to simply stare back blankly, eyebrows narrowed with an almost disgusted face.

"I'm not doing it for you."

"Mm. I know," came her response. She tilted her head, smiling as she did before. It wasn't one of joy, nor of sadness. Simply acceptance (one of passivity). The Palace Magician stared back before enveloping himself into a flurry of petals (which too disappeared once his figure remained no longer).

Jennette stood there (eyes lingering where the boy had stood) before suddenly struck with the reminder to take the letters inside.

Of course, not before she reads the Princess' response.


The Princess is pacing around the room when Lucas returns.


The Court Magician stepped back in surprise when the future empress grabs ahold of his shoulders and nearly topples him over (not that he would mind). Her eyes are twinkling, shining their familiar jeweled luster (he still can't figure out if they're Aquamarine or Diamond).

"Did she get them?" She exclaims, face just a bit flushed. There's a light red tint that stains the magician' cheeks before looking away abruptly.

"Of course, do you doubt my abilities?"

"Well, it's not your magic that I doubt..."

Lucas' eyes narrow.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Athy laughs it off, backing away and quickly changes the topic (praying he won't urge her to continue). Thoughtfully, she looks off to the office ceiling, "Oh, but if you're this fast, Jetty's response will come quicker."

Side-eying him, the Princess says with a smile, "Maybe I should make you do this more often."

The magician's face scrunches up (what a horrid suggestion, how could she ever even joke about that?)

"I'd actually work with those fools in the tower than to see that Chimera again."

"Lucas! I told you to stop calling her that!"

The magician, however, would be asked to see that chestnut haired girl many, many more times. And at some point, that child whom he called 'Chimera' and that shabby house by the sea would become his sanctuary.

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