"I was worried about you"

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Tw: brain injury

Age: 14

A scene goes wrong, and later everything was worse then expected

"Hi y/n!" Your fav person Flo greeted you
"Hi Flo!"
"Your ready for the action scenes today?"
"It's way to warm for this" you say
"Yeah true"

You walk to set and get started.
Director: okay so y/n will be thrown into that fake wall and then Florence wil go up to her and hold her down and then you both say your lines.
Flo and you both nod at the instructions.
The rope that is attached to your body swings you back into the fake wall. You fly to the ground to the mat but you land wrong and you fall beside the mat onto the hard rock ground,
Yelena, flo's character runs to you and holds you down not realizing your actually hurt.
"Stay down" flo's character says
"N-no flo stop. C-cut" you say softly
Director: CUT!, what's wrong??
Flo: are you okay??
She sees the glossy teared eyes in the 14 year old girl infront of her
"Hey hey, what happened? Why are you crying? are you hurt?"
You nod your head.
"Where honey?"
"M-my head. I didn't land on the mat"
You say still laying down with flo hanging over you. Only then she noticed that your body is on the hard ground and sees you daze of with your eyes
"C-can I get a medic over here?!"
Director: they aren't here today, do we need an Ambulance?"
"No flo im fine"
"Uhh n-no!, y/n are you sure?"
"Yeah" you say getting up from the ground with your head pounding,
Florence helps you walk to a chair and gives you some water. The director walks over to you
"Are you okay y/n?"
Then Flo goes all protective
"How hard is it to place the mat in the right place, she could've been seriously hurt"
"Flo its oka-"
"No it's not okay y/n, if you had hit your head harder it could've seriously hurt you"
Director: we are so sorry. We thought it would be in the right place
Flo: "Yeah wel it wasn't, I think we are done filming today"
Director: no, we have 2 more scenes
Flo: she's not doing anymore.
You stay quiet because you don't want to be trouble but you also don't feel like shooting anymore scenes with your head like this.
Director: y/n what do you think? Your okay right?
You: I-
Director: that's what I thought, she's fine.
You: no that's not what I-"
Director: it's fine, she's fine
Flo: what the hell?, y/n come on.
Flo takes your hand, she walks to her trailer with you but your legs cave in and you fall into Florence's arms
You cry and sob
"Hey, hey what's wrong?"
"M-my h-head hurts" you cry
"Shh, it's okay, your okay, what do you want to do?"
"I want to sleep"
"Okay honey"
Florence picks you up and carry's you inside her trailer and lays you down in bed. She turns of the lights and gets into bed next to you. You cuddle into her side and she puts a arm around you and kisses your head.
"Are you okay honey?"
"Im dizzy"
Flo sighs "Oh honey."

You both fall asleep and two hours later you wake up. sweat dripping from you body and your head is killing you. Your whole body aches and everything sounds weird. You also can't see straight. You began to cry and sob and move a little and Florence wakes up. She sees your state and your cheeks red as fire and the rest of your head as white as a ghost.
"Shh hey what's wrong y/n"
"F-flo?" You cry
"It's me baby, talk to me, what's wrong"
"I-I'm.. I-I don't t-think I'm okay."
Flo strokes your head
"Honey can you see straight?"
"N-no, everything is weird" you cry.
"I'm going to call an ambulance okay?"
You nod.
"There coming honey, just hold on okay?"
Your eyes close
"Hey, no no honey stay awake"
You open your eyes again
"I know honey, I know"
She strokes your head while you cry when the sirens get closer. Flo walks out the trailer to get them and flo and 3 doctors come to you. They start to test you
D1: hi y/n, how old are you?
You: I- f-fourteen
D2: look in the light for me.
You do as is asked
D3: she has a fever
D1: can you describe what your feeling?
You: -
D1: y/n? Talk to me
You don't respond and zone out.
D2: we have to get her to the hospital.

They get you strapped up in the car and you go to the hospital, Florence sitting next you and you slipping out and in consciousness.
D2: stay with us y/n
But you can't do it anymore and fall asleep, your breathing monitor starts beeping.
D1: someone give me oxygen!
They put a oxygen mask on you but more mashines start beeping
D2: we're losing her
D3: theres nothing we can do right now, we have to get her to an operation room.

They Arrive at the hospital and they roll you away and get you ready for an operation.

5 hours later
Florence is sitting next to your bed with your hand in hers when you start making some noise.
"Honey, open your eyes"
You open your eyes.
"Y/n how are you?"
"How do you feel?"
"Im going to get a doctor"
5 minutes later the doctor arrives.
You have just been giving confused looks and don't respond to questions.

"Y/n had a brain bleeding, there are changes she got severe brain damage and won't be able to communicate well"
"But it wil get beter right?"
"Everything she got from the accident wil be permanent"
The doctor leaves
"Oh y/n"
You again look at her confused and Flo sighs
"Are you saying something? You gotta talk louder"
"What? What do you mean?"
"Flo, I already said, you have to talk louder!, I CANT HEAR YOU!"
Flo calls the doctor again and he walks in.
"I don't think she had brain damage, I think she's hearing poorly"
"Il do some tests"
The doctor does tests
"I'm gonna get something" he says
He comes back with some pre-made hearing aids. He puts them in and around your ears and turns them on.
"How's that?"
"Oh Jeez you don't have to yell!" You say
"Better then?, can you hear me now?"
"Yes" you say
The doctor leaves again.
"I thought something bad happened to your head honey, don't scare me like that"
" I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was scaring you."
"How are you feeling honey?"
"Dizzy and weak, but better than before"
"You scared me honey, I was so worried"
"I'm sorry flo"
"It's okay, I love you y/n"
"I love you florence"

Florence Pugh/characters one shotTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon