A Bandage for the Void

Start from the beginning

As im staring down at my shoes and the pavement, I see Felice sitting by herself on a log. I walk over to her to make sure she is alright, she looks like she is freezing.
"Felice," I sit down next to her, "are you alright?" She doesn't look at me; she might still be embarrassed about kissing me.
"Just cold." Without thinking I give her my coat. Now i'm freezing.
"Thanks, Wille." She finally looks at me, smiling. I guess I won't go to the lake now, otherwise i'm going to freeze to death. I get up and begin walking back to my room. I can't help but think about Simon.


I walk back into my room after dinner--I dont have to do dinner duty anymore--and sit down on my bed. Simon is the only name going through my mind. I go to grab my phone from my bedside table to distract myself when I see a letter with a key taped to the front of it sitting next to my phone. It explains to meet at a certain place at a certain time, and to bring the key with me as well. I hear a knock on my window, and I open the curtain to see Alex.

He helps me out of the window, and I follow him to wherever he is taking me. Whenever I ask him a question about where we are going or what's happening, he ignores me and continues leading me to the place. We finally stop next to a door and he gestures me to open it.

"August?" Him and a couple of other guys are standing inside the room.
He steps forward, "this is The Society." He waves him arm to all the guys standing behind him. "Will you, Wilhelm, swear you'll always work to prevent the extinction of The Society's noble families?" I can't tell if he is being serious or not, so I remain a straight face just incase he is. "I swear."


I dont know how long I have been playing this card game, or how drunk I am. Basically every time you get something wrong you have to take a shot. I might say that i can be quite stupid, leading me to be quite drunk.
"How about," August reaches underneath his chair and pulls out a green bag. "We add some drugs into the mix?" He chucks bottles and packets of medication on the table. Everyone is quick to take one, and I score a bottle of god knows what and a packet that I shove into the pocket of my coat.

I don't how many pills I take, but all I know is a lot. I get up from the table and tell everyone I will be back, but I don't want to come back. As I walk out of the room everyone continues playing, while I stumble and almost fall with every step that I take.


I dont remember when or how I ended up at the Hillerska football field, but I'm here now. It's not empty; it still has a soccer goal on it, a bag of soccer balls, and one of those metal human shaped figures that bobble around when you hit them. I look up and the stars are all one big star, and in the center is one big blob of light which I am guessing is the moon. I look back down at the slightly lit grass and begin walking around.

"You're no better than me!" I shout. It feels good. "No one is better than me. People think they can just walk all over me like im not a person with skin?" I kick the metal person hard enough that it almost falls over, making myself proud. I laugh loudly. "I'm stronger than any of you!" I stand next to it and push it. I lean back and forward with it and become slower with it. I stumble backwards and trip over the net of soccer balls. I roll backwards and land on my stomach. "Fuck."

I stroke the grass with both my hands, and when I look at my palms, there are dots of black plastic balls. I lick my palm and chew on the balls. I put my hand into my jeans pocket and pull out my phone. It rings five times before his voice comes through.
"Who is this?"
"Simon!" I whisper, as if someone is watching me and i'm talking about something I shouldn't.
"Wilhelm? It's two in the morning." He whispers back groggily.
"Simon. Everything is fake!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Everything is fake! The football field..the football field is fake. It's made of out plastic, and the people," I look over at the person that I kicked earlier, "they're made out of metal! They're all made out of metal!"
"Wille, are you okay?" He speaks louder now.
"Everything is fake!" I repeat. "But I like you! And that is not...that's not fake!" I whisper.
"Im coming to get you."


I stare up at the large blur of stars and the moon in the sky, barley seeing any of the darkness. I hear something hit the ground to the right of me and see Simon dropping his bike on the ground.
"Simon!" I shout.
"Wilhelm, what are you doing here?" He kneels down and holds me in his arms. I try to push his arms away as they poke at my face. His fingers pry one of my eyes open.
"Shit, you're fucking high. What the fuck did you take you dickhead!" He yells at me. He helps me up and I whisper to him again, "I like you."


My head throbs. I try to sit up but my head throbs even harder.
"Oh you're awake." I open my eyes to see Simon laying at the opposite end of my bed. I try sitting up again, and my head doesn't hurt as bad.
"What happened?" I know what happened, but I dont think I wanna remember.
"You don't remember?"
Fuck it. "Yeah I do. Also, I meant it." I fiddle with the strings on my pants because I have no shirt on to fiddle with.
"You're really confusing me. First you like me, then you tell me to forget it, then..." I stop him there. I lean over him to kiss him. His fingers run through my still damp hair, and I run mine through his dark curls. I sit back, and he looks at me. I crawl over and lay down next to him.
"I like you." I stare deep into his eyes. He doesn't have a shirt on either, and I begin running my hand up the side of his stomach.
"I like you too." I roll over slightly, and I put one of my legs in between his. His hands trace down my back and slide into the back pockets of my jeans. As we kiss, he unbuttons my jeans, and I unbutton his. We both sit up to pull them off, both only left with our boxers. I grab his shoulders and push him back down onto the bed. He laughs and wraps his arm around my back, pulling me closer to him. I kiss him hard. I hear a moan escape from his lips as I kiss his chest, moving my way down. My lips reach the band of his boxers, and I use my teeth to pull them down. Simon puts his hand on top of my head as I go lower.


He's beautiful. The sunlight is coming through my open curtains, and falling right on him. His hair looks even more soft, and his skin looks perfect. He looks perfect. He is perfect. I trace the side of his torso lightly with my fingers. I smile at him when he finally opens his eyes.
"Hey," he grins. We stare at each other for a moment, both taking each other in. As I go to kiss him, there is a knock at my door and we both jump back.
"Excuse me, Crowned Prince, may I inform you that there is only five minutes left of breakfast?" my guard says.
"Uh, yeah I'll be out in a minute!" Simon begins to laugh and I cover his mouth with my hand before jumping up from the bed and telling him to leave out of the window.
"So I dont get any breakfast?"
"I will sneak you some."

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