Imagine #11 Miyeon X Jaehyun 🚙

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This imagine is based on Drive

Miyeon and Jaehyun have been in a secret relationship for over a year. Well their relationship is not totally secret but it is known to some people. Both Miyeon and Jaehyun like to keep their lives private. They do feel the pressures of being idols and in the spotlight sometimes and just want to escape away from that sometimes and live a normal life. They fell in love since they laid eyes on each other years ago. Over a year together it's been now and they want to create lots more memories together that will last forever. Miyeon has just made her solo debut with Drive away from (G)I-DLE and Jaehyun is such a proud boyfriend of her. He is the proudest man in the world of his girlfriend. He is always telling Miyeon how effortlessly beautiful she always looks and how amazing an talented she is. They are such a happy couple

Miyeon has now finished her solo promotions and has a break. Jaehyun has a break before NCT activities start up again. They are going for some time away together. Running away for a little secret getaway together. The classic car that was on the sat for the video Miyeon's title song Drive, they are taking that with them. Miyeon bought it so it's now hers. They want to go somewhere where they can just switch off from the world and spend quality time together as a couple. That's the way they want to spend the next couple of days driving through quiet countryside roads and going to a hotel. That's just perfect for them. Just what they need. Miyeon and Jaehyun wake up early that morning as they needed to drive as it will take a while. Jaehyun opens his eyes and yawns turning over to Miyeon's side of the bed. "Good morning, beautiful sexy" he said. Miyeon yawns and makes a missing noise like she didn't get want to get up. "Morning, handsome" she said. "I'm so ready for our little getaway" Jaehyun said. "Me too, Hyunie. I cannot wait" Miyeon replies. He gives her a kiss good morning. They wake up soon and get some breakfast before getting ready and their things organised for going away. They already packed last night but need to put last minute things in. They are at Miyeon's currently. Her classic car was waiting in the garage ready to be driven. They leave when they were ready

Miyeon and Jaehyun jump in the classic car and drive it for the first time. Miyeon did have a test run when she bought it even though she actually didn't drive it on the set of the video. She wanted to though. They load the trunk of the car up with their things. "Okay I think we are good to go, my love" Jaehyun said. "Yes I think we are. Let's go" Miyeon smiles. She takes the drivers seat and drives and Jaehyun in the passenger seat. He had the GPS up on his phone. They enjoy some music that is good for driving on country roads on the way. They both admire the stunning views around them. They drove for a couple hours of hours and pulled in on the side of a quiet road for a break and to have a snack. Miyeon made sure there was smooth food for the journey as it could take a long time. "Are you okay driving?" Jaehyun asks. "Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry. I like it" Miyeon said. "Okay as long as you don't get too tired" he said. Miyeon grabs the snacks from the bag behind her in the back and they have some quick snacks before they hit the road again for another drive. They hit the road again for a drive and drive through the beautiful countryside together. Miyeon was still driving as she knows how to drive the car. Jaehyun couldn't take his eyes off Miyeon was she was driving. "Baby, you look so stunning. Just like a goddess. You are a goddess in fact. My queen" he said. "Jaehyun, thank you. You're the sweetest but don't distract me from driving" Miyeon said. "Sorry, honey" he said. They stop on the side of the road again and stop for a rest. Miyeon wanted to get out and stretch her legs for a few minutes. "Ohhhhh it's good to move. We won't be there long" she said. "I know and I can't wait for our Little getaway" Jaehyun smiles putting his arms around Miyeon and kissing her forehead softly. They took a walk for a while before getting back in the car and continuing driving. Jaehyun leans over and passionately kisses Miyeon before they set off

After a few hours on the road, Miyeon and Jaehyun arrive at the nice quite hotel in the country side away from all the busyness of the city and people in their faces. They parked up and they are getting out of the car now. "Wow! It's beautiful here. So calm. My kind of place" Miyeon said as they get out of the car. "It is but not as beautiful as you, my love" Jaehyun replies. She blushes. They grab their bags and check into where they will be staying for the next few days. They did get recognised by someone at reception but they didn't bombard them. They get the key to their luxurious hotel room and walk in. "Ohhhhh this is just what I need" Miyeon said throwing herself down on the bed. "Me too" Jaehyun said throwing himself next to her. They lay next to each other o the king sized bed and look at each other. "I would go anywhere with you, Miyeon. It's just great to get away somewhere we can be ourselves and away from the limelight" he said. "Yes I agree, Jae Jae. It's so good. Here is perfect" Miyeon smiles. Jaehyun smiles at her. They get unpacked and settled in soon and go outside for a walk in the beautiful countryside before having some dinner. Miyeon and Jaehyun are so thankful to get away together to such a beautiful place

Miyeon and Jaehyun have been away in the countryside for two days now and they have two more days left their before they return back to normality. They are enjoying a beautiful day today with a picnic in the countryside field. What an amazing day for that? It's incredible. Miyeon has made a picnic today to take to the countryside field near where they are staying. "Are you good to go?" she smiled. "Yes, sweetie. I can't wait" Jaehyun said. "Okay let's go then" Miyeon smiles. She is dressed in a cute summery dress with sandals and a classy hat. She was looking like a gorgeous movie star. They walk hand in hand to the field nearby the hotel they are staying in. It was nice, quiet and peaceful for a picnic and sometime together. Miyeon lays down a blanket and they sit down. There was a cute swing on the tree nearby. Miyeon had her eye on that. First they tuck into the picnic and eat the nice food Miyeon has packed. Jaehyun keeps on smiling at her. "What a nice place? I want to move here when we are old and retired" he said. "Me too. It's beautiful but that's a long time. I hope we have children and grandchildren then" Miyeon said. "Oh yes me too. We will have lots of children. Don't worry about that" Jaehyun said. Miyeon smiles and they share a passionate kiss in the sun. Miyeon wanted to have a go on that swing and Jaehyun pushes her. "Wooooo I feel like a little girl again this is so much fun. You should have a go next" she cheers. "If is so much fun. I'll have a go next" Jaehyun said. He takes a cute picture of Miyeon on the swings as she enjoys it and then has a go himself and Miyeon pushes him and takes pictures. Miyeon and Jaehyun had a lovely afternoon this afternoon

Two days later and Miyeon and Jaehyun are heading back to Seoul after a lovely few days away in the countryside that they have loved. They want to go again when they have time off but probably not till next spring as it's summer now. They are packing up the hotel now making sure they don't leave anything behind and they are leaving soon. "I don't want to leave and go back to life. I hate people bothering us even though it'd not totally out there yet " Miyeon said. "I know, honey me too but we will definitely come to this place again. I'm sure we will" Jaehyun replies. They grab all their things and check out of the hotel and go to the car. Miyeon might have to return the car when they are home. Maybe not for a while yet. They put their bags in the trunk and get going. "Don't drive just yet" Jaehyun said. "Why?" Miyeon said. "Just hang on" he smiles leaning into kiss her passionately. "Just our last kiss to remember this place by" he said. "So sweet" Miyeon said kissing Jaehyun back. She starts the engine and they set off back to Seoul. Miyeon and Jaehyun had a lovely little time away and can't wait to go back again sometime in the future

A/ N: Miyeon's solo debut is so incredible and stunning that I just had to do an imagine based on Drive. Everything about this woman is truly captivating and mesmerising. I'm so happy she gets a chance to shine outside of (G)I-DLE as I feel like she doesn't get much chance to shine in the group. Miyeon is so beautiful. She's not even my bias and sometimes I can't take my eyes off her. Sooooooo perfect. Rose is my favourite b side. A gorgeous song but love Drive too

Chose an NCT member for this imagine and it happened to be Jaehyun as I think he and Miyeon would make a lovely couple. Who doesn't love Jaehyun?

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