Chapter 2: The Glow Cloud

Start from the beginning

"But I don't trust anyone else," Meredith pleads, "Plus, we'd only do it if the shield activates. And it'd be in a non-lethal area."

"Yeah, no." John states, unmoved by her pleas.

"What about using a taser instead?" Meredith compromises.

John contemplates the alternative as he gazes at his wife. "Fine," he relents, only because he knows she would find someone else who would, "BUT, only if it activates."

Mare flings her arms around him, "Thank you!"

John shakes his head as he hugs her tight, "Just know I really don't like this."

Meredith listens to his heartbeat for a few seconds more before getting up, "I know, but science!"

John rolls his eyes. Mare smiles at him before looking down at the device in her hand. John gets up and walks over to her, staring at the device as well. It's oblong and tiny, only about ten centimeters end to end, and grey. One side is raised up, while the other is flat. John looks dubiously at the thing. Meredith takes a deep breath and raises it to her chest. She presses the flat end against the area above her right breast. A few seconds go by before the device starts to glow green and a transparent bubble expands outward until Meredith is completely covered. John raises his hand to touch her, but is stopped an instant before making contact.

Mare is thrilled. The gene therapy worked! IT WORKED! She looks at her husband, "You ready?"

John inhales sharply before nodding. He walks a few paces away from her before removing his taser and pointing it at his wife, "Are you ready?"

Meredith nods solemnly. John sucks in a breath and exhales. When he pulls the trigger, the two metal clips inside the taser fling out and head for Meredith. Right as it looks like the shield wouldn't work, the clips bounce off the bubble that incases Mare, causing a ripple of green to go around it.

"Did you see that!" Mare laughs, looking down at herself.

John walks up after retracting the taser. He smirks at her enthusiasm, "It looks like you're invulnerable right now."

Meredith starts walking out of the room, "Now I want you to push me off one of the balconies."

"What?" John exclaims as he follows her.

Mare stops at one of the balconies overlooking the Gate room, "I want you to push me off."

"Okay, why exactly do you want me to do that?" John inquires, because this is a weird ass response to invulnerability.

Meredith takes a deep breath in and out, "I want to determine how protective the shield is. By falling I can determine if it is affected by impacts or not. Plus, this is a relatively low balcony, so the chance of injury is fairly low."

John stares at her in disbelief, "You know what, I'm just going to do it. Because if I don't you'll probably just start jumping off things."

Meredith looks at him innocently, "I have no idea what you mean."

"Of course you don't," John mumbles as Meredith arranges herself at the balcony railing.

"Okay, I'm ready," she declares, facing him with her back against the railing. John shakes his head and places his hands onto the front of her shoulders. He pushes her hard enough for her to go over the railing and down to ground below.

"Oh, my god!" Dr. Weir exclaims from the balcony off the control room, where she is standing with Peter, "Major Sheppard, no matter how mad you get-"

Meredith jumps up from her landing place, unharmed and grinning madly, "I'm fine!"

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