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Next day

In the morning

Yn wakes up and cook food for the people just like always and also bake dorayaki for Mikey

Yn:Oi wake up dinner is already

They woke up and go down and sit

Mikey:Still remember ...


Yn:Before we eat let's thanks the god

I prayed for all and we start to eat

Sanzu:So yn hmm wanna go out

Yn:No thanks I'll just do my work


Ran:What do you mean work


Kakucho:You trio be quite and it's not your business

Kokonoi:Yea kakucho is right

Takeomi:Just be quite guys

Mucho:I'm out

Mikey:Just come back home not late..

Yn:Hai hai

I went out the mansion and get Mikey motorcycle

Mikey agreed at her

Yn but bye to Mikey and others

Yn:Now lets go to somewhere

I went to the flower shop and bought flowers and go out the flow shop and went to the grave

Grandpa died and Emma and izana so I give them flowers

And left early

And go buy food for ingredients for what I cook


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