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"Mother!" The child cried out while holding the fabric their mother held onto so tightly, Frollo looked towards the child that was now sitting on his horse.

"Give me that you disgusting vermin" He snered, the child shook its head now holding onto the fabric, a cry came out making Frollo's eyes go wide, "A baby??!" he thought.

The same as the mother Frollo hardly pushed the kid onto the ground now holding the fabric, he took a peek and, "A monster!"

He gasped as he then covered up the baby and searched around the area. His eyes landed on a well, he was going to commit a sin in front of god but Frollo only saw himself doing gods work.

He held the child high above the well preparing to drop it until...

"Stop!" Cried the Archdeacon.

"This is an unholy demon. I'm sending to hell where it belongs" Claude Frollo announced.

"See there the inncoent blood you have spilt, On the steps of Notre Dame" the Archdeacon sung holding the woman.

"I am guiltless, those gypsies ran, I pursued" Frollo protested.

"Now you would add these children's blood to your guilt, On the steps of Notre Dame"

"My conscience is clear" The child the laid on the snow eventually got up to see a man in white holding their mother and walked up to him. "Mother, mother wake up.." the child softly spoke, shaking and tapping her.

"You can lie to yourself and your minions, you can claim that you haven't a qualm"

"But you never can, run from nor hide what you've done from the eyes, The very eyes of Notre Dame"

Frollo look up to the statues each of them staring at him

"And for one time in his life, of power and control.
Frollo felt a twinge of fear, for his immortal soul"

"What must I do?" Frollo asked the Archdeacon.

"Care for the child and gypsy, and raise them as your own" he replied.

"What? I'm to be settled with this beings... Very well, let them live with you and your church" Frollo said.

"Live here? Where?"

"Anywhere" Frollo replied looking up at the cathedral, "Just so he's kept locked away where no one else can see"

"And for this mere child not never use their witch craft" he said looking towards the child behind the Archdeacon.

"The bell tower perhaps" He suggested to the Archdeacon," And who knows, our Lord works in mysterious ways"

"Even these foul creatures may, yet prove one day to be... of use to me" He smiled wickedly to the baby and child who was hiding behind the Archdeacon.


"And Frollo gave the baby a cruel name, a name that means half-formed, Quasimodo" Clopin said, "And as for the gypsy well... her name is (Your Name)"

"Now here is a riddle to guess if you can, Sing the bells of Notre Dame. Who is the monster and who is the man?"

"Sing the bells bells bells bells bells bells bells bells
Bells of Notre Dame!"


At the time it was winter when they were first introduced to the cathedral, but now after twenty year it was early spring, and as the usual routine goes Quasimodo rings the bells while his sister studies the Holy text.

𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐘 || Male Esmeralda x readerWhere stories live. Discover now