Chapter 48 - Unravel

Start from the beginning

"Abe!" I shot out of my chair and ran to my brother. I wrapped my arms around him tightly until another pain ricocheted from my lower spine to my stomach, and another wave of heat suffocated me. Before he could hug me back I quickly let go and moved away.

I didn't miss the worried glances coming from everyone who was seated, yet a slightly relieved look from dad, to see it wasn't just my reaction to him. "Where have you been? We were worried sick about you!" I say slapping him on his now muscular shoulder.

"I'll explain later. I actually got here yesterday and what dad has to say is important." Abe was now looking at me seriously as he took a seat to my right, between Alessia and I. He said the word dad like he had been saying it all his life.

"Okay I'm just going to get to the point before anyone else decides to interrupt. Your mother, Wendy, Gabe and I, are not human."

My jaw dropped as I was making the connection that meant Abe, Alessia and I were not human.

"There has been something I wanted to tell you." says Glimmer in my head.

"Oh no, please not you too! I can't handle this many surprises all in one day!" I groaned out loud without realising. My fingers were now pushing at my temples in circular motion.

Oh!" My parents gasped and looked at each other. "She's already met her wolf?" My mother says to my father in disbelieve.

"Haha.." I began to laugh. "My wolf, that's a good one!" Alessia was looking at me intently. How was she not freaking out?

Alessia finally spoke bringing my focus to her. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, I've known about us since I turned eighteen but no one told me that my dad would be here."

Wendy stood up and asked for my pendant. As she grasped it into her hands her brows drew closer together. "I don't understand. There is no magic in it anymore. Not even a drop?"

"Wait, you knew about the magic in the pendant!" I ask her in shock.

"My darling girl." Wendy smiled at me. "I was the one who put it there. It has been protecting you and masking your unique qualities from the world."

"Wait if you put the magic in there then.." I trailed off.

"Yes, your mother and I are witches. Your mother is great at protection spells while Alessia and I see glimpses of the future. I was always good at these type of spells though." Wendy says looking at my pendant.

"Alessia, your totally awesome! I mean I've always known you were special." I say grinning and now glancing at her gift.

"Me? You don't even know about you yet, though I think deep down you've known for a while." Alessia says while walking towards me.

I open her gift. A silver charm bracelet with a carved out black onyx wolf, hung delicately in the centre. It was the prettiest thing I had ever seen. I smiled at her and thanked her for the gift as she turned to face my parents.

"There is something you don't know about Alexa and I. I was attacked by a vampire almost a month ago and I was dying. She tried to stop the bleeding but she couldn't. Rather than running and saving herself she begged a friend of ours to take my body back to my mum. She was willing to sacrifice herself so that mum would have closure."

I saw tears stream out of Wendy's eyes, while my brother and parents just looked at me with a mortified expression on their faces.

"How are you still alive if you sacrificed yourself?" My father asked quietly, intently awaiting my reply.

"Well.. I'm not entirely sure. He bit into my neck but began choking on my blood." I replied.

"Wicked!" Abe said patting me on the back, but I moved away from the heat of his hands and kept ignoring everyone's looks.

Alessia spoke next "You think that's cool! Wait until you hear how she killed him." Everyone had a constant surprised expression on their faces which was quite comical. They were all hoping to give me information and here I was shocking everyone more.

"I'm still not sure how it happened exactly, but I punched him straight in the nose and he caught fire and turned into ash before my eyes. It was enough to get the other vampire to flee but not enough to keep him away. I think my pendant may have done it?"

"Oh no hunny, the pendant may have helped channel your power and provide you warnings but the magic you used lied deep within your skin." Wendy said.

"The vampire venom effected me but luckily for me, we had a friend who could help me." I said looking at Alessia who was begging me with her eyes, not to say too much about Crim.

"Okay we are going to come back to this, but I need to tell you something else." My father now spoke directly to me. "My brother and I are werewolves, and not just any werewolves, I am the Alpha and he is the Beta of this pack. We are the most powerful here. This makes you cousins."
Alessia and I smile at that before my father continues. "An Alpha always has a first born son." He says.

"Wait do we have an older brother? This keeps getting better!" I say in surprise.

"No, you are my eldest child, but you do have a younger half brother named Donny. You are more special than you know Alexa. That voice you have been talking to, she is your other half, your werewolf side."

"Surprise!" Glimmer yells at me. She now appears in my mind. I've never been able to see her before only hear her voice. She is magnificent. Glimmer peers out through my eyes and looks around the room. "Hi everyone!" She says, and I see everyone's eyes widen.

"That is no normal wolf!" Says Gabe sitting diagonally on my right.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, when a normal wolf peers out from our eyes, they will glow brighter than our usual colour. If we have brown eyes they glow yellow, if we have blue they glow bright blue etc. When a wolf is angry or turned on, their eyes turn black but yours my dear, glow white like the moon itself, and the strands in your eyes change colour like a shimmering rainbow." He says the last part in awe.

I gasped and stood instantly. "Bl.. black eyes.." I managed to mumble before intense pain filled me causing me to hit the ground and black out.

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