Chapter 2

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I'm writing this while my eyes hurt a lot, so I'm sorry if I make stupid mistakes, please point them out, it won't be taken as hate.

Gon woke up suddenly, he realized he had been dreaming of the day he first came here again, it had been a year since then and he had started calling the woman, Inko Midoriya, mom. Partially so that people didn't get suspicious, and partially because he never got to call anybody that when he was younger.

"You're going to be late for school sweetie!" Inko called out from the kitchen. She had been so nice to him ever since he moved in.

Gon had to change himself a lot, he acted like he was obsessed with Allmight, even though he only wanted to fight him and see who was stronger. He had Allmight merch everywhere, the walls, the floor, the bed, the shelves, everywhere that was his except for one small corner of his room.

That was for his drawings. He liked to draw, so he drew his old friends whenever he felt lonely, after a year the corner had quite the pile. The drawings were almost always of Killua. He was always worried about Killua, worried if he was still alive, worried if he was eating right, worried about whether or not he was having an episode at that time.

He never let anyone but Inko and the man see that corner, it was covered by a giant Allmight pillow. Even Katsuki Bakugou, who he had nicknamed Kacchan, didn't know anything about his past or the corner's existence.

Gon was currently going to UA, the hero school. He decided to become a hero because it would give him something to do to keep his mind from constantly wondering to his worries about Killua.

Gon rushed to get ready, putting on his uniform that he had been allowed to modify slightly so that it wouldn't drive Killua crazy. His teacher was the man that had brought him to the police station, so he was more understanding of the situation.

The man's name, as he found out, was Shouta Aizawa, Mr. Aizawa in class.

Gon had also changed his hair style, now, instead of it sticking straight up, it was all down in curls. He had to have a lot of hair gel in order to get it to stay down. Something else he had changed was that he had started putting fake freckles on, so that it would be even harder for anyone but Killua to know who he really was.

Tomorrow was the day that they were moving into the dorms at UA, so today they were going to be given a tour, then released early in order to pack their stuff to move in. Gon had already packed some of his Allmight merch the day before so that there would be less packing the next day.

By then Gon was ready, he grabbed his backpack, his hero notebook that he brought everywhere, and his sketchbook, which was also brought everywhere, that way he could sketch his friends anytime he wanted.

He left his room that was full of merch and some packing boxes and went to the kitchen of the apartment that he and Inko lived in together. "I'm ready, I'm not really hungry for breakfast, so I'll just get going," Gon said as he walked to the front door.

"Ah ah ah, not so fast young man," Inko said, moving her pointer finger from side to side. "You are going to eat, whether you like it or not, understood?"

"Okayyyyy," Gon replied in a fake upset voice. Inko knew that it was fake and that was why he could do it. She somehow almost always knew when he was faking something, though she wouldn't always point it out if they were in public.

"Much better, now come sit down, you have plenty of time for a piece of toast, that's all I'll make you eat," Inko said, trying to encourage the boy to eat instead of skip a meal. Again.

After Gon had finished eating the piece of toast, he said goodbye to Inko and left the apartment. The walk to school was about 5 minutes, luckily, so he didn't have to walk that far, unlike some unlucky kids.

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