The boy learned about psychopaths and other sick people. He saw familiar faces getting arrested, such as neighbors of his, a pizza place guy, and some old politic, and knew that even the warmest people could have secrets.

For some reason, the discreet and secretive Donghhyuck's alliance with the police leaked. There were always rumors as people just couldn't keep their mouths shut. Newspapers started writing about the medium boy too. Thankfully, he was left anonymous because he was underage because if something more had leaked, Donghyuck would felt unsafe.

He could no longer walk to the police station because someone might see him. Donghyuck needed to be extra careful as he was also a possible target for killers who didn't want to be found.

Because of that, Donghyuck and his mom had to move from one town to another. They didn't stay for long just for their own safety. Money wasn't a problem as Donghyuck was getting paid a lot. However, the lack of normal communication with people troubled Donghyuck. He wanted to talk to kids his age, not with spirits!

The boy tried to make friends and successfully did. But only when he was acting just like them, childish, careless... Not even once did he tell someone about his ability. It would make him stand out, and also point out his mature behavior. There wasn't a single kid who would know about murders as much as Donghyuck did. Now even the horror movies weren't scary for a sixteen-year-old Donghyuck. They were so fake!

Getting into high school, Donghyuck stopped communicating with ghosts and focused on exams. His mom even found medicine for him to silence the voices. Because of that, Donghyuck got a lot of calls from different police stations, asking for collaboration.

"I have to study for my exams," Donghyuck turned them down. "I'm very sorry."

"The death rate increased ever since you refused to help us."

It was like the killers were great at math and realized that the medium boy must be in high school.

"I'm sorry..." Donghyuck kept repeating.

Constant guilt of not helping the spirits made Donghyuck write letters and send them to the police stations just as he finished reading books. He was multitasking like crazy. That was why he didn't do that good in his exams. Luckily, he had a lot of money which meant that he could pick any university out there.

Although he had a lot of potential to study law, he applied to the performing arts course. Donghyuck didn't want to be surrounded by the crime world all his life. So he at least thought he could be a singer, which was the opposite of his secret job.

Over the summer, Donghyuck worked with the police again. He even met up with them and went to the crime places himself. He wasn't a kid anymore. Yet he felt nauseous seeing the bodies of the victims.

"Any details about the killer?" a young detective named Taeyong asked.

"He doesn't know anything," Donghyuck said as he saw the spirit shaking his head. "He was attacked from behind."

"What about the voice, strength, the smell of the attacker?"

"He smelled of cigarettes," the spirit said.

"He smelled of cigarettes," Donghyuck repeated.


"Cheap ones."

"What about the strength?"

"The way he stabbed me... It was so fast. I guess he was strong."

"He was strong. I suppose, a man."

Taeyong nodded and wrote something in his notebook.

"Thank you, Donghyuck. If he remembers something, please contact me."

A LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME ⋮ markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now