1: Convocation

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Juvia's POV

This is it! Juvia is now in G11. Also, Juvia is excited since she's transferring to another school.

Fairy Tail Gakuen. The No. 1 school in Fiore. Juvia was wishing to study there. It seem like the odds were in Juvia's favor since it was decided that Juvia will move to Magnolia.

So now, Juvia is here, in front of FTG (Fairy Tail Gakuen).

"Juvia can't wait to meet new friends! Umm... it says here
that there will be an opening ceremony in the auditorium. Yosh! Juvia will get going."

Juvia started walking but then stopped since she heard someone calling her name.

"Oi Juvia!"

"Gajeel-kun? Is it really you?"

"Gihee! Yep. It's me. So you also transferred here huh?"

Gajeel Redfox. Juvia's so-called BFF since Grade 7. He was also Juvia's first friend since Juvia was homeschooled before stepping into high school. Juvia and Gajeel-kun are like siblings. Since they're the same age, they don't call each other 'nii-san' / 'nee-san'.

" Yes. Juvia moved here last week. How about you?"

"My parents went to the site where our business will be put up. They're branching outside the country. So they left me in the care of my uncle which lives here. By the way, why don't we start walking to the auditorium?"

"Good idea Gajeel-kun. Oh. That's good for your family I guess."

We then started walking to the auditorium. The students made way for us while having a sort of 'scared' look in their faces. Well you see, if you're not close with Gajeel-kun, you will think he's a scary guy because of his looks. Juvia actually thought he was one at first.

"I heard there's a dorm for girls in the hills near this school. Are you staying there? "

"Hai (Yes). Fairy Hills. Juvia just finished packing her stuff the other day but did not stay there yet. Today is the first day Juvia will be staying there. "

"Oh I see. I really wish there's also a dorm for boys so I don't have to ride on a car in going to school."

"Oh. Juvia remembers Gajeel-kun has motion sickness right? Haha! "

"It's not funny you know. Just imagining it makes me wanna puke. Ugh. " Gajeel said trying his best not to puke

Juvia and Gajeel-kun then arrived at the auditorium...

When Juvia and Gajeel-kun arrived, there were already lots of people inside. They then decided to take their seats. After a while... the convocation has started.

"Good Morning minna! I'm Mirajane Strauss from G12 S-Class. I will be your host for today's program."

Oh. So Mirajane Strauss the famous model is Juvia's senpai (senior)? As expected from the No. 1 school in Fiore.

"Let's start first with the invocation to be led by...."

~ Time Skip ~

"Thank you very much! Let's now have an opening remarks by the headmaster of this academy, Master Makarov Dreyar. "





~ Time Skip ~

"Thank you very much! Before we end our convocation, let us hear a closing remarks from the President of the Student Council, from G12 S-Class, Erza Scarlet. "

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