Chapter 2 Introductions

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Starkad and the woman were saved by an unlikely but rather valued face. Aela the huntress of the companions and one of the best archers in Whiterun.

"Well Kad, what have you gotten yourself into this time?" She asks somewhat teasingly.

"Doing what a Nord should so having glorious battles!" He proclaimed proudly but then winces.

"Come here let me see your arm," she grabs at it and bandages it. "Drink this, it's a health potion."

Starkad refuses, "She needs it way more than I do, my arm will heal."

He gestures with his good arm over to the woman on her knees.

Aela goes over to her and hands her the potion, "Here drink this Kad says your hurt pretty bad and it looks like he's right. Swear for his age he always finds something interesting."

The lady then drinks the potion and feels herself getting healed and soon she is able to stand up.

"Thank you but I don't know what happened one minute I was on death's door and the next I wake up to a boy no older than my daughter trying to protect me from a wolf and could barely kill one."

"Thank Kad over there for saving you then I was only able to find you so fast because of his scream he's a good kid and he's strong but definitely has a knack for finding trouble. I'm Aela by the way member of the companions at the service come with me and Kad back to Whiterun, I'm sure the Jarl will want to talk to you."

"My name is Summer thank you for the offer but I've never heard of Whiterun I think I might be lost. I dont know where on remnant that would he what kingdom are we in?"

It was then that Starkad spoke "We're in Skyrim, and my Dads the Jarl."

"I think I'm more lost then I thought so please lead the way Kad?"

"It's Starkad but everyone just calls me Kad. And don't worry I'm sure my Dad can help you out on my honor as a nord."

Summer and Aela couldn't help but crack a smile and the fieryness of the young nord.

And so they were on their way.

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