Chapter 9

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"So, I'm bringing someone to Geoff's barbecue..." Heather says as she shuffles through a rack at Forever 21. Courtney looks up from a red dress she's eyeing. "Really? Who?" Hopefully it wasn't Justin. Although they sat at the same table, Courtney didn't hang out with him anymore than she needed to. He was constantly flirting with her, when he wasn't kissing himself in the mirror. "This guy named Alejandro...." Heather trails off, trying to sound nonchalant. Courtney raises a brow. "Alejandro? Who the hell is that?"

"It's some Senior at Northridge. I met him at Janelle's ballet concert. Turns out his little sister is in her class. And I just invited him. He's so hot, he's Mexican......" She started trailing off, looking dreamily into the midair. Courtney laughed and she snapped out of it. "How are things with you and Trent?" Courtney stopped suddenly.

What should she say? Did she tell the truth, that while they were doing great, she had slept with Duncan? Heather was her best friend. But, maybe it was best to keep it under the rug. Even from her and Bridgette. Heather broke her out of her thoughts. "Courtney? Hello? I asked you how you and Trent were doing?" She could help her with advice. Courtney put the dress down. "We're's just....." She trailed off.

Heather did the hand motion, continue on. "It's just....I slept with Duncan!" She half whispered/half yelled. Heather almost choked on her gum. She dragged Courtney to the back of the store. "You what? When?" Courtney sighs. "When I was coming late to school today. I was walking to my locker when he dragged me into the janitor's closet, but I didn't know it was him! Then he was kissing me!" Telling this out loud just made me start crying. Heather pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh, honey, it'll be okay!" Courtney sobbed into her shoulder. "No it's not! I don't know what to do!!!!"

Heather broke apart and wiped Courtney's stray tears. "Here's what your going to do. We'll just forget about it. It's water under the bridge. Don't tell Trent, and it'll be fine. But you need to avoid Duncan. You two have some kind of force. You're anywhere near each other and you eat each other's faces." Courtney nodded, calming herself. "Yes. I need to stay away from him." Courtney said, repeating this to herself out loud. Heather nodded. "Okay! Now that that's over with, let's continue shopping for dresses!!!!!" She said, going back to the racks of clothes.
----Saturday: Geoff's Barbecue----
Heather and Courtney pulled up in Alejandro's car to Geoff's barbecue and it was clear the party had started. There was music playing, people talking and dancing. It was a private property so there was no need to worry about neighbors.

Alejandro really was a really hot guy. He was one of those hot Spanish men you found in the movies. Perfect hot accent yet could speak flawless English and tan skin. It was obvious that he had a thing for Heather and vice versa. They held hands all the way to the backyard.

Courtney was supposed to be meeting Trent there, but he was nowhere to be found. She stood drinking a beer while she waited awkwardly. "Hey Mocha!!!!" Geoff called with Bridgette in tow. He pulled her into a tight hug. "Where's Trent?"
"Funny, I was just about to ask you that same thing."
Geoff just shrugged. "I thought I saw him a couple of minutes ago, head into the house but it could've been the best talking!" Bridgette chuckled and Courtney just went in, in an effort to find Trent.

The house wasn't crowded,many people were outside, because that's where the beer and food were. But one person who was in there, was the one Courtney was strictly trying to avoid. Duncan. He was standing against a wall, drinking a beer, waiting for somebody, presumably. Probably Gwen. But he saw her and started to strut towards her, Courtney backing away quickly. Just then, Katie came up to her. "Oh My God, Courtney! Geoff has this really cool poster in his guest bedroom that I really want to show you!" Katie dragged Courtney down the hall, with Duncan on her heels. "Katie, what's so-" Courtney stopped mid-sentence, for all she saw was Halle, one of the schools' biggest sluts, kissing Trent. Trent, her boyfriend. Ex boyfriend now. "Oh my god!" Katie said covering her mouth. "Courtney-" Trent started but Courtney was already speed walking down the stairs and out the house.

Courtney cried into the pillows once again, wiping her mascara all over them. "C'mon baby, no more tears over him. He's dumb." Duncan said as he wipes a stray tear from her cheeks with his hand. Courtney just cried harder. "How could he do that? Is it because I'm ugly? Am I fat?" Duncan shook his head. "No. He just didn't know what he had." He brushes her hair out of her face. He leans in and kisses her softly. "Your so beautiful. Trent doesn't know what he's missing...." Duncan says as he breaks apart. Courtney hugs him. "Thank you." Duncan had driven her home and stayed with her the past hour and s half, as she cried. Duncan hugs back tighter. "Courtney....please. Give me another chance. I'll make it worth it." Courtney ponders for a moment, but then nods. Duncan smiles and pecks her on the cheek. "I'm gonna go wash my face off." Courtney says, getting up and leaving. As soon as she's out the door, Duncan pulls out his phone. After he's done searching for the right contact, he texts them.
It worked! We're back together! Thanks for your help!
Your welcome D! After you helped me out last year, I owed you a solid. Should've seen Justin Bieber's face afterwards though. He looked like a lost puppy! :)
Great :) This stays between us.
Cross my heart and hope to die.
Just then Courtney comes back and Duncan slides his phone back into his pocket. She lays her head on his chest and he wraps his arms around her. "I love you Princess." He mutters into her hair.
"I love you too Ogre."

Damnnnn! Total turn of events! That whole situation just played out as I wrote! I originally meant for Duncan and Courtney to just sex it up, but I thought this was way more dramatic. In case you didn't realize, Duncan orchestrated that whole Trent kissing Halle situation and that's who he was texting. Katie was also in the plan, because she's obsessed with Trent. Only thing is Courtney doesn't know that it was Duncan's fault. Will she find out. Only time will tell ;) -A hahaha jk (Pretty Little Liars anyone?) haha no.

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