Chapter 8

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At the end of the school day, after studiously avoiding Duncan all day, Courtney approached Trent, nervous. He smiled big once he saw her. "Hey! Ready for our date?" She really should've told him. Came clean about Duncan and her banging in the storage closet earlier. But instead she just smiled. "Yea." He surprised her by taking her hand and she felt herself calm down for the moment. That was until she walked past a male figure with intense teal eyes. She didn't dare look at them. She didn't have to. She knew that they were filled with both anger and sadness. Maybe even jealousy. But it wasn't like she didn't tell him. He didn't listen to her when she tried to stop him......So she just smiled and kept walking.

"Wow! That's hilarious!" Courtney laughed as Trent finished another one of his hilarious stories. "I know! My whole family was dying laughing." He chuckled. Courtney almost didn't see them walk into the restaurant together. Almost. But she could see the Mohawk in the corner of her eye and the girl with teal highlights, holding his hand. He had told her they had broken up! Duncan saw her and smirked. Oh god. This was another one of his plans to get her jealous. Duncan sauntered over and led Gwen, still by the hand, to the empty table nearest to them. Courtney felt like she couldn't breathe. She almost felt herself get sick then and there, but she then refocused her eyes on Trent. "Are you okay?" He said with an eyebrow raised. "Yea....I'm just....yea." She took a quick sip of her Coke.

She tried her hardest to just listen to Trent but always found herself looking towards Duncan. No. She couldn't get upset. Not in front of him. He couldn't have the satisfaction of knowing he got her jealous and flustered. She turned to Trent and smiled. "Wanna go back to my place?" Trent just shrugged. "If you want to, I'm cool with that." And she made sure to hold his hand extra tight as she made her way past Duncan. She saw his stricken face, obviously jealous. That's right you bastard, hope you choke on it.

Courtney's House

Courtney and Trent were making out heavily on Courtney's bed whilst music was playing quietly. Suddenly Trent pulled away and Courtney frowned. "What? Did I do something wrong? Do you not like this song?" Courtney fumbled to turn the radio off but Trent just shook his head and stopped her. "'s just that....are we going too fast?" Courtney sure as hell didn't think so. Courtney was sleeping with Duncan way before they went out. Isn't that what guys wanted anyway? Sex? "I don't think so? Why? Do you?" This was getting awkward. She was still straddling him so it was getting to be really uncomfortable. "I don't know. I just....your gonna laugh." She shook her head quickly. "I swear. Cross my heart, hope to die." Trent sighed but continued.

"I've.....never actually done this before....." Courtney pulled away shocked. Trent was a- "You're a virgin?" She found this very hard to believe, considering that Trent was obviously attractive. She'd just assumed that he'd been in a relationship before and experienced this. Trent nodded embarrassed and looked away. "I don't think that's's cute." Trent looked back at her, so she continued. "I lost my virginity to Duncan at 15. But I think it's cute your saving yourself...." Courtney rolled off of Trent and fixed her shirt. Trent sat up and looked at her. "Really?" She nodded. "It's very admirable. Not a lot of guys around here do that. So, I'm willing to wait until whenever your ready." It was weird saying this to a guy. But she was also kind of relieved that Trent stopped the process. That would've made her a slut. Sleeping with 2 different guys in the course of 1 day.

Trent left shortly after and Courtney occupied herself reading Romeo and Juliet, one of her favorites, when there was a sudden tap at her window. She ignored it, figuring it was a squirrel or something. Then it came again. Tap. Tap. Tap. She sighed and threw her book down, getting up to check the noise. She opened her window and looked down to see her least favorite person in the world. "What are you doing here?" She asked the punk who held a handful of rocks. "We need to talk." He didn't have that smirk on his face as usual but instead a serious facial expression. Courtney shook head. "No. Last time you came in my room, we did things I'm not proud of. Besides, it's never just a talk with you!" She almost closed the window but stopped when she heard the one word Duncan never uttered. Well two actually. "Courtney, please." He never ever called her Courtney and never said please. She sighed and knew she was risking her sanity by letting him in but waved him up. Duncan wasted no time climbing up and through the windowsill. Once he was in, he sat on the bed. Instead of sitting next to him, Courtney leaned against the desk, as far as she could possibly stand away from him. "Why are you doing this to me?" Duncan said, out of the blue.

Courtney eyed him. "Doing what?" Duncan groaned. "Being all friendly with that Trent guy.....If you are trying to punish me, it worked! Now, just dump him already!" Courtney stared at him for a moment. Did he seriously think dating Trent had anything to do with him? I mean, yea, it did make Courtney smile a bit, knowing Duncan would get hella jealous. But this wasn't about him. She actually liked Trent. He was a nice and honorable man. Someone her mother and father would be proud of.

"You seriously think this is about you? You're so full of it! I'm not dating Trent just to drive you insane! I actually like him and he cares about me!" Courtney screamed, getting angrier by the minute. Duncan's eye twitched, obviously she hit a nerve. "You think I don't care about you? You know I love you!" Duncan screamed back.

"Yea! That's why I caught you making out with my best friend!" Courtney stated sarcastically. "Oh my god! It was one fucking mistake! Are you ever gonna let me live it down?" Courtney rolled her eyes. "One fucking mistake that broke my heart and ruined my life!" Duncan stepped closer to her, dangerously closer. "You were gone most of that time! You were always studying or working and I felt alone. Geoff was always making out with Malibu. Gwen was just there and she needed someone too....." He said. Courtney huffs. "You complain about all this shit that was happening during our relationship and yet you never told me about any of this! Instead, you found yourself communicating with Gwen's lips!" Duncan grunted in frustration. "You're insane!" He said getting up in her face. "You're a monster!!!!" (Lol! Loved this scene in the TDA finale. So I had to use it. ;)) Both looked in each other's eyes angrily and then, Duncan grabbed her face and smashed their lips together.

Just then Courtney's phone started to ring. She pushed Duncan off and ran towards the phone. "Hey Courtney!" Heather chirped into the phone. "Oh, Hey Heath!" It was 7pm, what could she want. "I thought we were going shopping today?" Oh shit! It was Friday, her and Heather were supposed to go to the mall and pick out dresses for the barbecue. "Oh shit! I forgot! I'll be right there!" Courtney hung up and started to pull on her sneakers and grabbed her purse. "Where you going?" Duncan asked, clearly pissed that they hadn't just had an angry sex session. "To the mall to pick my outfit for Geoff's barbecue. The one where Trent's my date." She said coldly. She didn't turn back. Hopefully that was enough to make him leave. And by the look of his face, she's positive it did.

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