"He's a doctor in the ED" I told him,

"Really? Ok well, I'm gonna call them now" he said before grabbing a phone and waiting for an answer. I could feel myself zoning out as the tears continued to fall freely down my cheeks so I wasn't really paying attention to any of the conversation. "Alright kiddo, you're brother is there and knows that you're on your way" he said making my sobs increase,

"It hurts" I sobbed slightly hysterically,

"Can you hold still for me?" He asked as he tried to take my hand in his and insert an IV but my screams intensified,

"Just leave it man we're here now anyway" Martin said from the drivers seat. The ambulance came to a stop and the back doors opened up before I was wheeled out of the ambulance and in to the ED,

"Hey Gracie, we got you now" Maggie soothed as she walked along next to us "we're going to treatment 3" she told Dr Rhodes as they wheeled me in to the cubicle,

"Ok, on my count" he spoke before I was moved off of one bed and on to the other,

"Gracie" the voice of my eldest brother spoke as he came in to view next to my bed and bend down to give me a comforting kiss on the forehead and brushed some of the tears away from my cheeks "shhh" he soothed as my sobs died down and turned in to silent cries "everything's ok, I got you" he spoke reassuring words,

"Will" Connor spoke and my brother looked up to meet his gaze and nodded,

"I just gotta go over here for a couple minutes whilst these guys check you out, ok?" He asked but I grabbed hold of his hand as if my life depended on it,

"NOOOO. DON'T LEAVE ME" I screamed,

"Shhh, I'm not leaving you. I promise I'm not leaving you. I'm just gonna be right there ok? I promise, everything's gonna be ok" he soothes as I let go of his hand and he moved out of the way whilst still remaining in the room.

"Hey kiddo" Connor greeted with a comforting smile "is it ok if I do a couple of tests on you to check that everything's ok?" He asked,

"I guess" I whimpered,

"Atta girl" he praised "now have you got any pain anywhere?" He asked as he put some kind of stickers on my chest and arms,

"My head and my arm" I cried softly,

"Ok" he said as he attached some wires to the stickers and pressed some buttons on a machine "order a spinal and CT scan as well as a x-ray for her arm for as soon as possible" he spoke to the nurse who was quick to leave and do as instructed "I just wanna do some quick checks on your eyes then we'll see about taking some of the pain away, ok?" He asked,

"Ok" I agreed and Connor pulled out a small torch and shone it in my eyes,

"Can you follow the light for me?" He asked and I did as he asked. He soon put the torch away and held his hand with some fingers raised "how many fingers can you see?" He asked and I squinted my eyes to try and make them focus,

"Four?" I said but it came out as more of a question,

"Ok" he said before changing the amount "and now?" He asked again,

"Two?" I said in the same uncertain voice as before,

"Alright, good job" he praised as he crossed his arms over his chest and Will returned to his place next to me and brushed my hair soothingly "now I already know you're not gonna like me too much for this but to give you the pain medicine I'm gonna have to put an IV in your hand" he explained and I immediately tried to hide my hand under my back,

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