"I know your names too," Raf looked up at the girls. "Toni, Rachel, if I had to guess. I've talked to Leah over the past few weeks."

Rachel was baffled, but she knew that Leah must have told Raf some useful stuff that she couldn't have told the girls.

"How did you - how? Were you like roommates?" Rachel asked.

"She snuck in. Everyday." Raf looked the girl up and down. Raf took his hand out and wiped sweat off his forehead. "The shit you guys went through, we went through.

Shelby saw the girls talking to the boys and went to stand next to Rachel. Her eyes grazed along the boys up and down. She reckoned that they were burnt, they had bruises and some even had burns. Although, at this point, pity wasn't needed for strangers. After what the girls went through, Shelby couldn't be upset over anything remotely less harmful.

Leah had begun to breathe slower and get calmer. Martha began to hold her hand, but now Leah's head was on Fatin's shoulder as Fatin's arm was around her. Music still blasted around them from the loud speaker, but the noises in everyone's heads blocked it out.

Toni spoke, "Come with us, bring your friends,"

Raf looked at Toni, and he was happy that the girl was giving him a chance. He looked at his friends who were already packing up behind him since they were listening to the whole conversation. Raf shook Toni's hand, feeling as if the two had made a peace offering. Next Raf shook Dot's hand.

"We have a gentleman over here," Fatin whispered into Leah's ear asLeah still felt weak, laying on Fatin's shoulder. Although she felt so weary, Leah couldn't help but laugh at Fatin's words.

Toni and Dot went to Martha and put her arms over their shoulders so that they could walk her. "Follow me, we're gonna go to that ball room Cinderella's castle shit," Dot said.

"You know, when I was little I also wanted prince Eric to love me like the ball or whatever, but I definitely didn't expect the ball to be in this hell hole." Martha admitted and a few of the girls laughed. Ivan and Bo laughed at the joke and Martha smiled at them.

"Oooohhhh," Scotty started to laugh. "I get it, cause like Cinderella and shit,"

Henry rolled his eyes at the guy as he stood up from sitting. Shelby looked back at Fatin and Leah. Fatin mouthed to Shelby, "Five minutes." and Shelby nodded, shutting the door behind her and leaving Fatin and Leah alone.

In the meantime, music blared through the hallways. They had started to get used to it, but it wasn't not aggravating to hear some grudge rock songs while trying to deal with a life or death situation.

Raf opened the door for everyone and everyone walked into the blue disco room. Dot felt sick to her stomach as she saw the stand where Gretchin Klien was supposed to be, the person who made her go on this fucking retreat. She can't say she wasn't partly happy though.

Yes, she went through living hell, but she found her people. She had a decent time on the island, she felt wanted and loved. It was her first ever birthday party, her first ever time to have leisure, and so much more.

Everyone was at least a little grateful for the island.

hey guys what's up

i'm putting photos of the cast bc i'm in love w each and everyone of them at the end of ever chapter

i'm putting photos of the cast bc i'm in love w each and everyone of them at the end of ever chapter

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