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"Olivia," I call her name out softly. So softly, I'm sure no one hears me. I need her to look at me. I need this to be one of those times where we communicate the way only the two of us can.

She raises her eyes from the ground. I'm suddenly grateful for that magnetic pull I hated until just 24 hours ago.

This isn't what she thinks. Kennedy was waiting at my door when I got here. The moment I saw her, I decided to tell her the truth whether Olivia decided she wanted me or not.

Turns out, Kennedy had something to share with me before I could get around to saying anything to her, and that's how we ended up in this position. Her in my arms, seeking comfort that I feel obligated to give her. Right now, I'm still her boyfriend—the one she trusts and relies on.

I haven't yet turned into the villain in her story. She doesn't see the guy in love with her best friend, who was about to flip her world upside down when she's already drowning.

Olivia's face softens, and I can tell she hears me even though I'm not speaking. Jordan looks like he's ready to kill me. She reaches out to him and squeezes his arm. He unclenches his fist but keeps his eyes locked on me.

Kennedy twists in my arms, eyes landing on Olivia. She pauses for a second, but I can't see her face.

"Liv, oh gosh." She frees herself from my arms and runs straight into Olivia's.

The stain from her tears paints my shirt, and it's not lost on me that had I spoken before she got the chance to, those tears would tell a very different story.

"Kenny, what is it? What's going on?" Olivia runs her fingers through Kennedy's wavy red hair.

I remember it was one of the first things I noticed about her— the red hair. It's gotten a little darker now that the sun is out less, but it's still unique. The usually refreshing air that surrounds her is broken and suffocating.

Her brown/green eyes. That was the second thing I noticed. Now all I can see are the tears filled to the brim as she choked out how her heart shattered into a million pieces this morning. And this is all without knowing I spent last night with her best friend in my arms, envisioning my future while my present was still linked to her.

You can say it. I'm a terrible person. I don't deserve either of them. Not too long ago, I really did see a future when I looked into Kennedy's eyes. I tried, I really tried. But, when I look into Olivia's eyes, I see everything.

"Look." Kennedy timidly hands over her phone to Olivia.

Slowly I watch as Olivia reads over the article announcing LSU's new president. Right about now, she's probably trying to figure out what this guy has to do with anything. I know I was.

She continues scrolling, just like I did. Each passing word does nothing but increase her confusion, just like it did me. Then her face drops. She glances up at Kennedy, then back to the phone, then back to Kennedy.

It's all starting to make sense to her now. She's gotten to the part where they ask us to extend our warmest tiger welcome to President Cline and his family— a perfect photo attached. Our new president, his wife, and their daughter.

Right about now, Olivia is laser-focused on the wife, Elise. At least I was. Her hair is red. Darker than Kennedy's but still red. If you look close enough, you can see the freckles on her face. They're hiding, but they're there. Then finally, are her eyes. It's unmistakable. They're green.

She's holding a little girl in her arms who can't be any older than two years old. Her smile is the final nail in the coffin, though. Her smile radiates through her eyes that are locked in on the little girl. It's the perfect family photo. They look like the perfect family— President Cline, Kennedy's mom, and her little sister.

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