proving power

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Morgana's POV
After break and the chat with my mates, I made my way to fairy history. Apparently it was meant to be one of the most interesting classes where you learnt about the origins of your magic.

I hated how the headmistress had treated me in the first class. How could darkness be unatural when darkness was the first thing in the universe?!! God, it I heard her say that one more time I would show her just how powerful I really am and that she had no right to discriminate against people with rare power's.

As I stepped into the classroom, I already noticed that it was half filled even though class didn't start for another 5 minutes. People must really love this class and told all the first years about it.

I sat at an empty desk near the back, I tried to ignored the glances they were sending me but after a full 4 minutes and a full classroom I couldn't take it anymore. I called upon Nik and some of the shadows that lerked in the hidden crevices.

Everyone took in a simultaneous gasp as the shadows formed a tidal wave behind me, "What are you all staring at?!! I could crush you like a nat if I wanted to! So don't test me!"

Once all the anger dissipated from my system I released my control and sat back down calmly. All the students looked like they were about to shit their pants, even bloom who was in the front with
Aisha who was the water fairy from the stone circle.

Just a second later, Headmistress Dowling walked in and started the class, ignoring the obvious fright pungent in the air.

"Welcome to Fairy history, I am very pleased to have you here. Every fairy's magic comes from within themselves, from the element which claimed them at birth. This is common knowledge but what you won't know is the wars fought against those who held dark, dark power's only chosen for the most dark hearted people.

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