6|First Date

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I'm getting nervous as I wait for Rindou at the park

I'm to early! We're suppose to meet at 10 am but I came and hour early!

I went to stroll around the park for a bit

I got some ice cream for myself


It's 9:30 and I'm on my way to the park

I don't want my women to wait for me

Thank God she's still not there

My eyes widen seeing her buying ice cream

She's early.

I smiled while watching her

She turned to my direction and her eyes widen

She blushed and covered his face

I blushed and looked away

Few minutes later she came and sat next to me

"Hello" She said awkwardly

"Hi.."I replied back

"So we're on our first date huh.." Y/n liked her ice cream

"Yeah.." I scratched the back of my head

"What do you wanna be when you grow up?" I asked

"Probably an Attorney,how about you?" Y/n looked at me

I sighed "anything but a criminal"


I was walking home passing by the park when I saw Y/n and Rindou sitting in a bench inside the park

Should I be happy for them?

I walked away like I saw nothing

I layed down my bed as soon as I got home

It's heart breaking to see my first love dating my brother.

I fucked a lot of bitches actually..a lot of them are pretty hot

Me and Rindou did....

My eyes widen and I sat up

"We used to...until Y/n came back" I sighed

"We even did Threesome together" I chuckled

It weird but it's the truth

A tear came out of my eyes

I wiped it but it hurt,maybe I should cry it out?

I haven't cried for years

I don't wanna be a weakling and cry but..I have emotions too

And there I decided to let it all out


"Bye bye Rindou" I smiled and waved at Rindou who's waiting for me to get inside the taxi

"Bye bye" he smiled

I finally got in the taxi and we drove away

It was going smoothly until.

Everything went white


After crying a bit I felt, something wasn't right

It still isn't enough

But I heard Rindou in the living room so I decided to sleep

"Brother!brother!!" someone was waking me up

"What?"I said annoyed

"Y/n got into an accident!!! Hurry"Rindou ran to his car

My eyes widen

I panicked and grabbed my car Keys and drove off

We were watching Y/n sleep peacefully in the bed

Good thing she's okay

The doctor walked in and said "unfortunately..she had fell into a deep coma..it may take a while for her to wake up"

And it did.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and months.....turns into a year

Rindou had gotten out of control

I graduated and so did Rindou

After that Rindou went ballistic

She would bring girls home and asked me if i uh wanted to join them

I refused every..single... time

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard two girls moaning from the other room

Did he bring to girls again?

Well me I completely changed

I wouldn't fuck anyone or anything

As long as Y/n sees me as someone in her life,I'm good with that

Brotherly Love •°• The Haitani BrothersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang