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I wish I was as brave as them. I thought to myself as I watched the Avengers being, yet again, congratulated on the news for another successful mission. They were all so impressive to me, but Wanda was one of my main idols. Not only because of her badass attitude and back story, but she had powers similar to mine.

The difference was that she wasn't afraid to use hers. I was never angry when I heard about The Avengers, but each time was a harsh reminder of how weak of a person I was.

I mean, what kind of person has powers and doesn't use them to help people? A coward, that's who. A coward likes me.

I grabbed the remote from the side table and turned off the television, continuing to get ready to go to the club with Mark, my boyfriend. I knew I'd have to be ready by the time he got home or I'd have to face my consequences.

I had been with Mark for about 5 years, and it felt like it would never end. When we first dated he was so sweet. It was full of date nights, movies, pizza and being constantly showered with affection and compliments. But as the months went on, he grew to be a very jealous and possessive person. He told me exactly how to behave, what I could and could not wear, and how much I could eat or drink to maintain his 'perfect' image of me.

I had decided from the beginning not to tell him about my powers. I had never told anyone out of fear for my safety anyway, but I was too scared about what he would do to me if he knew how much of a freak I really was.

I remembered that he once saw me doing the dishes, and I washed the plates before the glasses. He slammed me onto the counter and nearly broke my arm behind my back, calling me "a stupid little girl who can't even do a simple chore correctly".

The front door slammed shut signalling Mark's return and snapping me out of my thoughts. I checked myself over once more in the full-length mirror before he walked into the bedroom.

I was wearing a tight red dress that he had picked out for me the day before that came up a little higher than I was comfortable with. My make-up was light and natural, but my hair was full of volume and length. His perfect image.

"You ready Y/N?" He opened the bedroom door but only leaned into the room a little bit. As soon as I saw his face I knew he wasn't happy.

"I just need to put my heels on then I'm all set. I'm sorry I know I should be ready, but there was a story on the news and..." I frantically smiled at him. He held up his hand to me, signalling me to stop my rambling and roughly grabbed his shirt from the hanger.

"WE are going in 10 minutes whether you are done fucking about or not, even if I have to drag you there myself. So I suggest you BE ready. I need to meet Ted at the club on time. Do NOT make me late or you will be in for more of a punishment than you already are." He grunted at me and stormed out of the room.

I knew I was already in trouble for not being set to go, but I also know he would never hit me before we went anywhere; even though he knows how to hide the bruises and scars all too well.

Tonight Mark had a meeting with Ted, one of his Russian business associates'. I knew better than to ask what type of mafia-type shady business they got up to behind the scenes. All I do know is that he makes enough money so I don't need to go to work and I can stay at home ... as his good girl should.

Mark liked bringing me along to his meetings to parade me around like a prize in front of his friends. Something I used to like when we first dated was being shown off. That was until I realised it had nothing to do with making me feel good. It was all about his reputation.

I went straight to the closet to grab my matching red heels and black clutch, then waited by the front door with my head facing down at the floor.

"Better", he hissed as he grabbed my arm and pulled me outside and into the backseat of the car.

We arrived at the club on time, thank god. Louis, our driver, let us out and we entered through the side door. I felt a strange paranoia that we were being watched or followed. Something I had picked up a few times when I was allowed out with Mark. I hadn't brought it up though out of fear. I tried to look around the alley but with Mark's hand firmly on the back of my neck, I was only able to see where he wanted me to.

Mark sat me down at a padded booth in a dark corner of the club. I always liked watching the other girls dancing and drinking with their friends I imagined what it would be like if I was one of them. Just carefree, moving free.

Instead, Mark snapped me back to reality and ordered me iced water and held my thighs down with his tensed arm. Trapped. Forced to behave. A reminder of my place in this situation. To an outsider, I imagined that this was seen as him wanting contact with his girlfriend and being considerate of her not drinking, for any number of reasons.

The real reason was that one of Mark's rules was that I couldn't drink alcohol at all. Nothing that would risk me exposing his behaviour or being taken to the hospital where they would see my intentionally hidden injuries. I wasn't allowed to move off my seat unless instructed otherwise. I even had to take Louis with me to the bathroom.

I smiled calmly and sipped my drink while Mark and Ted made business talk. I looked across the table at Ted's wife. She was so beautiful with her charcoal hair and barely-there silver dress. I saw her looking around the club too when she abruptly sat up straight and coughed to signal Ted's attention. My head turned, along with everyone else's.

It's them!

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