Everyone looked at each other, quickly realizing what Suitcase was suggesting, muttering quietly amongst themselves.

"We can't just sit back and let Merripen try to pull this shit any longer!" Suitcase exclaimed, clenching her fists. "Beginning today, we start to fight back, for everyone that we've lost because of Merripen, and for everyone we love and want to protect!"

"Fuck yeah!" Paintbrush screamed. "We're going to give that Merripen bitchass what he deserves!"

"Paintbrush has the spirit I'm looking for!" Suitcase cheered. "Starting today, we fight against Merripen together, as the Hatchwood Resistance! Who's with me?!"

The cheering that echoed throughout the cave was nearly ear-splitting.


"Okay everyone! Listen up!" Silver Spoon exclaimed, standing in front of the area of the library that they had turned into a meeting area, alongside Baseball, Nickel, and Candle. It had been several days since the flame ring, and so far they had managed to recruit OJ, Microphone, and Knife into the resistance. Cabby had no interest of joining as of yet, as she was still trying to process what had happened to her daughter, but she offered the resistance complete access to her files at any time if they needed them. "Okay, I'm assuming that by now, those of you who weren't present at the flame ring have been made aware of what happened to Test Tube Pinker, correct?"

"I wish we weren't," Microphone sighed. "How could that Merripen guy just...kill a teenage girl? Just like that?"

"Well, Test Tube isn't necessarily dead," Candle clarified.

"What are you talking about?" Paintbrush blurted out. "We saw Merripen stab Test Tube, and there was—"

"Yes, that's true, but you have to remember that apparently Merripen had taken control over Test Tube, at some point between when Balloon first unlocked his powers, and the flame ring," Candle explained. "It's very likely that Merripen is keeping her alive until he's ready to take control over her again so she can be his vessel to wreak havoc on the world, and that could be any moment now."

"So Test Tube is okay?!" Fan exclaimed, leaning forward with hope in his widened eyes.

"We can't be certain of Test Tube's current state now, or where she even is, unfortunately. And Merripen's unpredictability doesn't necessarily help with that," Silver Spoon replied. "But considering that Test Tube is apparently a major asset to Merripen, we can assume that she's still alive."

"Although, as much as I hate to say this, we can't prioritize on Test Tube at the moment," Candle sighed. "Our main focus, at least for now, is preparation for what Merripen has in store for us. Baseball, Silver Spoon, Nickel and I have had the most experience with him, so you can all trust us when we say you have no clue what they're capable of."

"Candle's right. If Merripen is still like he was thirteen years ago, which I highly assume they are, he won't stop at anything if it means that their plan will come to fruition," Baseball added. "He's never been one to hold back."

"It might not seem like it now, but we're in the penultimate moments before Merripen strikes," Silver Spoon exclaimed. "Which means we can't waste any time in preparing for when he inevitably rises up to enact his plan!"

"Which means, we have to make a plan of our own," Nickel butted in quickly, before rushing to the side of the room, where there was a large chalkboard and a few sticks of chalk. He grabbed the chalkboard and wheeled it over, placing a chalk stick in Baseball's hand. "You have the floor, big guy."

"Thanks, Nickel," Baseball thanked him, moving over to write out 'journals' on the board. "Now, the first thing we need to take care of is probably the most important. Suitcase, do you...?"

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