27: The Yee To My Haw

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The pair looked up at the same time, almost comically so, to see an army of Squid Man clones. Captain Noodle hadn't managed to free herself yet, but she had generated more noodles. 

"Well fuck." Yuji said bluntly. 

"Watch your language young man." Aizawa said, taking on a fighting pose. 

They all launched an ink attack at once and the heroes couldn't do much so they just braced themselves. 

But after the barrage was over they didn't do anything. "Huh, slow refractory period?" Yuji couldn't stop himself from making the joke if he had tried. 

"Ghost," Aizawa warned. 

"No no, he shouldn't be ashamed of it." Yuji turned to the real Squid Man, "Hey, its more common than you think. Performance issues are like-1 out of 5. You're not alone-". 

"Shut the fuck up you sniveling twerp!" The villain spat. 

"I'm just trying to spread awareness." Yuji shrugged, "As men we should be tearing down the stigma around-"

"Do you ever shut up?!" Captain Noodles asked, launching her tendrils at Yuji. 

"Honestly no." Yuji just laughed while saying that. It was true. He had a big mouth. The gift of the gab, one might say. 

He grabbed the knife he had been stabbed with a month back and severed the noodles that got close to him. One managed to snake its way around his ankle and pull him flat on his back though. Ignoring the suffocating sensation that came with having the air knocked out of him he  raised his leg above his head in an very impressive stretch and cut his ankle free. 

He turned to see Aizawa trying to take on the roughly 50 now inkless cactus goons. Yuji turned around and jumped at Captain Noodles. She was great at range attacks, but if he got close enough he would be able to best her. 

Turns out she wasn't prepared for someone running at him with a knife in their hand without absolutely no thought towards it and faltered. Yuji punched her square in the jaw but remembered the knife when a shooting pain when through his hand. 

He dropped the knife. "Mother fucker." He cursed under his breath. "Lets not do that again.". Before the villain could recover he hit her with the other hand, right in the shoulder. She grabbed it instinctively, meaning nothing was protecting her face. Yuji gritted his teeth and punched her with his injured hand. 

"Wow. Quite the knockout shot you've got there." Aizawa commented. 

"Um yeah, so when you knock someone out through blunt force trauma it pretty much guarantees a concussion, which is brain damage, so I should probably call an ambulance for her." The vigilante said. 

"And ambulance?" Squid man said, blasting the vigilante in the back. Yuji barely dodged. And his clothes were now permanently stained. "Aren't you funny? Heroes like you don't care enough about villains to call an ambulance. You'd rather just see us locked up.". 

"Dude I am literally trying to do just that!" Yuji shouted, grabbing another taser disk. The real Squid man had more power and a much faster regeneration period. The only real way to get around him would be to use up all his blasts. "Say cheese!" Yuji said with a wide smile under his mask. 

He threw a flash bang at the ground and leapt at the villain. His eyes were so good they could see past the temporary blindness other's couldn't. Of course it also meant that he would become overstimulated very quickly but he didn't really worry about that because he was an irresponsible teenage boy who thought he was immortal or some shit like that. 

The villain blasted ink right at the wall without even realizing he was missing. Yuji punched him right in the gut, which set him off again. The man practically growled and lunged for the vigilante, who held his hands close to his face in a classic boxing pose. 

"Ooh, the cavalry's here." He said with a smile. 

"What?" The villain said, whipping his head around to see the rest of the street. Yuji punched him right in the exposed cheek twice before he could turn around and raise his hands to defend himself. 

"Oh my knuckles are like broken-broken." Yuji remarked, shaking his hand out when he pulled back. The villain glared at him. 

"You're insufferable Ghost. You'd think you'd give up after what happened last time. You must have a death wish." He spat. 

"Maybe I do." The vigilante replied, "Did you ever think about that?". 

He moved like he was going to punch him but slapped a taser disk on his torso instead. The villain fell backwards, jerking around on the ground. Yuji pulled a pair of cuffs out of his bag to detain the villain right before the street was suddenly filled with noise. 

"I told you they were here." Yuji smirked, cuffing the villain to a nearby post. 

The last person was Lady Cactus, but it appeared that Hizashi and Midnight were already on her case. Hound Dog, Ectoplasm and Thirteen were already on the hoard, assisting Aizawa and Yuji figured he could jump back into that fight. 

------------ ----------- ----------- --------- ------------ ----------- ---------- 

When the fight finished up Yuji said goodbye to Aizawa and said he'd see to his own injuries and that he should get out of there before he was caught by police. 

"You did well kid." Aizawa said, the praise awkward on his tongue. "I didn't see the horse coming. When'd you learn to ride?". 

"My mom taught me. Growing up in the sticks taught her some shit I guess and she taught it all to me. For emergencies. It worked out in the end." Yuji said with a smile and now that his mask was half off Shota could actually see it. 

"You never cease to amaze me kiddo." Shota laughed, but he was smiling too. "Go wait at the café a block away and Zashi and I will drive you home. I know you've got another set of clothes in there.". 

"Lucky for you I do. I'll get us all coffee and wait with it there." He said, starting to walk away while pointing finger guns at the hero. 

"Absolutely not Yuji. We talked about the 'no coffee after 6 pm rule', remember." He said with an eye raised. 

"Oh sorry, I just lost my quirk and I suddenly can't hear you!" Yuji called out. "See ya!" He shot his grappling hook at the nearest sky scrapper and swung away. Shota laughed to himself and shook his head. 

"I knew it." A voice said behind him. Aizawa's body went ice cold as he turned around. It was Hound Dog, looking far too pleased with himself. "Ghost was the one who stopped Gentle Criminal and La Brava from ruining the festival, and he's that boy you were helping through a panic attack in the staff room.". 

"Inui, please don't" "Don't worry about it Aizawa." The guidance counsellor said with a laugh. "I won't tell anyone about your son. I understand you want to keep his identity secret.". 

"Thank you." Aizawa said, letting out a relieved sigh. 

Then he paused. 

"Wait what did you just call him?". 


Everyone else: Getting to the battle in a normal way 

Yuji: Hmm yes lets take the horse 👌

Seriously I was trying to think of the most random thing he could use to get there and then I was like a horse in downtown Japan is about as weird as it gets so lets go with that. 

Also he absolutely would. Like this is exactly the sort of shit he's been pulling throughout the entire series. 

Fun little aside showing Yuji's progression as a fighter is interesting because he doesn't really participate in large fights. So everything he improves on is just skill. Like his punches get more powerful in this fight, powerful enough to make the enemies that nearly killed him relatively easy to defeat, because he was grounded and spent so much time in the boxing gym training. 

Its all about the stuff that happens between the chapters when it comes to physical development 😊

Hope you guys liked the chapter. Stay tuned! 

Off The Rails (BNHA x Male OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ