"Stick with who?" I ask, but she's already ducked into a tent.

"C'mon y/n." Steven calls before climbing into a different tent, I run through the sand after him and we start shuffling through things when he stops.

He found a mirror.

"I'm not." He says out of the blue, I guess Marc accused him of something.

"Steven?" I ask, he holds up a hand to shush me.

"Yeah, and no more you I thought. But believing anything that comes out of your mouth just shows you what a big plonked I am." He shoves some things he found deep into a drawstring bag he must've grabbed.

"So have I, it's the same body isn't it? It's in there somewhere right? Muscle memory and all that?"

Whatever, I start ignoring him and grab a few hand guns and bullets.

Steven starts heading toward the opening of the tent and I follow but then he turns around.

"I know I'm not bloody alone! I've got Layla, and

"Leave me out of this!" I defend.

But Steven has already walked out of the tent mumbling something about protein shake recipes.

We meet back up with Layla and head toward a cave super close to the coordinates we got from the papyrus, as we get geared up Steven says something.

"I have to say, it feels like I've been waiting for this my whole life. The adventure I mean." He states as Layla secures his belt.

"I know. we want what we never had." Layla responds.

I'd say something but my belt is being difficult. And all of a sudden I hear.

"You smell like him." WHAT THE FUCK. "I mean why wouldn't you right?" I know she did not just talk about how Steven SMELLS.

I glance over at them to see Layla leaning towards Steven, luckily Marc must've threatened him or something because he immediately blurts.

"Marc's trying to protect you both from Konshu." Layla looks startled.

"He failed" I laugh recounting yesterday in the pyramid.

"That's why he's been pushing you away. He thinks Konshu wants you for his avatar and he won't let that happen. I'm sorry I just thought that you should know."

"Why are you telling me this now?" She asks, squinting her eyes against the sun.

"I don't know, I just thought you guys deserved to know." He shrugged against his harness

"That wasn't his call to make, I don't need protection. What I need is honesty." She says before peeking into the cave below.

"Yeah I get that." Steven responds kind of quietly

"That's more of a 'you' thing isn't it?"

"What? being... honesty?" He asks.

"Yeah, being honesty."

I finally get my belt tight enough and look up in time to see Layla and Steven. Kissing.


They both jump and laugh nervously, Layla doesn't even bother to yell at me for cursing. And they move on like nothing happened.

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