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actually do the work miko."  mamori sighed as he sat at his desk in the conjoined teacher's office. miko sat there with a moody face as she gave dirty looks to the girl sat besides her. she had snitched to mamori that miko wasn't completing any of the work given to her. 

"she just sits there all lesson doing nothing."

miko was resisting the urge to rip her hair out, it wasn't her fault that she already knew what they were learning. 

"and she doesn't even answer the teachers when they call her out on it. she only looks at them and looks back out the window." 

"thank you for sharing your concerns aori-san." mamori dismissed. she glared slightly at miko when she realised that he didn't give her any honorifics, but still gave him a large smile. 

"of course tanaka-sensei." aori batted her eyelashes at him and walked away. 

《why the f-ck did still she come to you. you're not even our homeroom teacher.》

"i don't know, but it's a good thing she did." 

《you liar, you know it's because she thinks you're hot.》

"your words, not mine." he chuckled and span his chair around to the third year that was currently stood behind him.

"and what do you want satoru-kun? come to annoy nanami again?" 

the white haired boy rolled his eyes jokingly and held a hand over his heart. 

"i am offended to say the least," miko poked her brother's shoulder. "can't i just come by to see my favourite science teacher?"

《tell him that his heart is on the other side.》

"astute observation miko." he span back round to his student. "you're heart's on the other side, no wonder you want those test answers. i feel obliged to give them to you with how much you're failing."

gojo merely watched the two converse. why is she using sign language? and how does tanaka-sensei understand it?  

just then the shoji flung open and in ran a frightened first year. gojo's blue eyes focused on the out of breath boy.


"oh my gosh, not again." mamori groaned and abruptly stood up.

"i am going now - teacher uhh, stuff. any and all questions or statements go to miko!" 

miko's eyes slightly widened at the abrupt information and glared at her brother as he practically bolted out of the room and away from the first year. HE'S YOUR F-CKING STUDENT!

the pink haired boy, that miko had remembered from the other day, span her chair around and hid in front of her. crouched on the floor and hidden bewteen mamori's empty seat and miko, he put his hands together as he prayed he wouldn't be found.

"tanaka-senpai, please don't tell her where i am." he pleaded and looked up at her, his eyes swimming in fear. before she could even react, the shoji flung open once again  and there to be revealed was that livid ginger who asked if mamori was miko's dad.

turning her head from the front of the room to the back, she locked eyes with gojo who merely shrugged and sat on mamori's previous seat. useless, she thought to herself. miko was about to stand up when the alarmed boy tugged on her trousers and mouthed a 'please senpai'. she could not ignore the desperate cries of help of her kohai. 

'please help him' was what gojo had read on the piece of paper from the heterochromic girl. he looked at her and shook his head slightly with a smirk in his face. miko rolled her eyes and took back the paper to write on. 'pleease :)'

"adding an extra 'e' and smiley doesn't make a very convincing  argument." he whispered, aware of the irritated ginger that was stalking the teacher's office. 

miko clenched her jaw and let out a harsh breath through her nose. 'ill get you the test answers' - at this he raised an eyebrow and looked back and forth from the paper to miko. he glanced at the current threat that was lurking around the corner - the other teachers were unbothered and used to the first years' antics. miko drummed her fingers on the table to get his attention and raised her eyebrows at him. are you gonna take the deal or not?


at this nobara immediately straightened up and composed herself. itadori took this opportunity to dash out the room and in the excitement, gave miko a quick peck on her cheek.

"OI! YOU CAN'T JUST RANDOMLY KISS PEOPLE!" nobara yelled and chased after him. miko, who was in shock, froze with her mouth slightly open and eyebrows furrowed. what the shit?

"he could've got some tongue if he stuck around, what with you frozen like that." 

miko kicked him in his shin, making him shout out in surprise, and threw a pen at him before storming off.

'he coulbve heard sonne njce moanz what withy ou shouting likee that'

the white haired weirdo chuckled to himself at the almost illegible remark left behind for him... then he realised that he just pissed off the girl who was supposed to give him his test answers.

"ah shit!"

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my finger must be jealous of my ass cuz I seem to be producing a lot of shit today (I mean my fingers guys, my fingers are writing shit - not my ass)

15 may 2022

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