"Who are you talking to?" Came a voice suddenly, from the outside of the tent. Clarke jumped out of her skin, pressing a palm to her beating heart before whipping around towards the direction of that familiar voice.

Bellamy walked inside, a friendly smile playing on his lips. He laughed at seeing Clarke jump, that bit of lightness in such a dark world. "Bellamy! You scared me." Clarke's expression slowly drew warmer, as she slid her hand down to her side, a small smile fluttering on her lips. "Do you need to ask me something?" She ignored his question to her, as her smile grew bigger before she made her way over to him, his arms ready to take hold of her.

Bellamy wrapped his arms around Clarke before planting a gentle kiss on her lips. "Morning. Yeah, urmm..." His face showed a flicker of something, worry it appeared to be. "...Thalia's hoping to talk to you Clarke."

Clarke's eyes burned. She pulled herself away from Bellamy's arms, words bubbling up behind her lips. "Why are you telling me this? Can't she come over and tell me herself?" Questions started forming in her mind, all ready to be used at any time. How did she manage to get Bellamy to be her messenger?

Bellamy put his hands up in some form of mock surrender before placing one hand on her cheek. She attempted to move away from Bellamy's touch, out of anger for Thalia spilling the beans like she did but decided against it. "I'm telling you this because you have a right to know that she's wanting to talk to you. She didn't think you'd want to talk to her and...well, I told her she was right." He smiled softly before thinking against it.

Clarke shifted her gaze to look into Bellamy's eyes, a subtle smile fluttered onto her lips before it was gone. Though she didn't doubt that Bellamy and herself were on the same side when it came to certain issues, it still felt like a form of relief to hear Bellamy say what he had said. Her blood was still boiling however but she had calmed a little, enough to let another small and brief smile appear on her lips. "Thank you for telling me. Sorry about snapping at you."

Bellamy simply shrugged before wrapping his arms, once more around Clarke, pulling her body close to his. "Forgotten. Didn't mean to upset you."

Clarke simply laughed happily at his comment before closing her eyes for the briefest of moments. She listened to Bellamy's beating heart, it's sound calming to hear. Clarke took a deep breath before exhaling. Then another. Before long she had calmed down. She pushed herself slowly away from Bellamy's body before giving him a gentle peck on his lips. "I'll talk to her okay?" she smiled exhaustingly before feeling Bellamy's lips on hers again.

"Okay." he smiled back as he placed his palm once more on Clarke's cheek, stroking her skin delicately. "If you have any trouble with her, you know where I am."

They both laughed at Bellamy's comment before Clarke nodded knowingly. "I do, thanks for the offer." One more kiss before they started to go their separate ways.

Just before Bellamy disappeared, Clarke suddenly remembered to ask him something before he was gone. "Bellamy, wait!" Clarke sprinted over to the exit of the tent, where Bellamy had stopped for her. "I'm thinking that we should tell everyone tonight, just get it over with." Clarke paused as she looked over at Bellamy, who was nodding lightly at her suggestion. She carried on after a brief pause. "Including Finn. I'm actually going to go over the now and see him before I talk to Thalia, to tell him personally."

"I'll be there. Will you be okay though?" Bellamy asked, his concern only annoying Clarke.

"I'll be fine!" She snapped playfully before feeling a little bit guilty by her tone. She cooled it down. "Thank you. You don't need to worry about me." A cheerful smile appeared on her lips before she stroked the top of Bellamy's bicep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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