Surprise delivery

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I had no idea you were pregnant until you called. We had not seen eachother in years due to our parents being separated. I was with dad and you with mom. School kept us apart as well.

Like a good sibling I rushed to the hospital when you told me you were in labor. I wasn't going to miss my sister's first baby.

When I got there I told the front desk who I was. They got a nurse. "We have to be quick! Come with me" She brings me into a room where she says I need to put on a gown. As I am changing, I feel a prick.

Next thing I know I am waking up. I see you laying in a hospital bed, but i am laying down too. I am dressed in a onesie with a diaper on. A matching hospital bracelet as yours.

"Welcome to your new life as my baby little one"

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