Chapter 10

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Liam rounded everyone up in the living room while Louis went to bed.

"What's the matter Li?" Harry asked, sensing his serious mood.

"I think I'm starting to remember what happened. Kind of." He said, meeting Zayn's concerned eyes.

"Does this have something to do with the dream you and Zayn both had?" Harry asked. He remembered their conversation in the morning and started to feel dread in his belly.

At this point, Niall chipped in with a pout "What is everyone talking about? What dream? Why am I out of the loop?!" he huffed

Liam rolled his eyes. "Last night I had a nightmare, and so did Zayn. Only I don't think they were nightmares. I think they were memories. We were all being really horrible to Louis. I mean, like, Zayn was hitting him across the face type horrible..." Liam said, glancing and Zayn who had gone very pale and ashamed.

"I think we caused Louis' injuries for some reason. He pretty much confirmed it. I just don't understand why!" Liam muttered.

Harry put his hands on his head. "It would explain why he doesn't want us touching him..." he said, remembering his own little 'flashback' out in the car park. "I think we will have to ask him to explain again when he gets up. He will have to tell us now" he said, hoping against hope that somehow they were wrong.

"Let's ask Simon one more time" Niall said, unable to wait any longer.

They nodded and headed to Simons office once again.

When they entered, Simon was typing furiously on his system.

"Something wrong Simon?" Harry asked.

Simon spun around quickly with a jump. "I was just about to call you in here. There is something within out walls. Something I cannot explain. I was checking our recent camera archives and found a shape hovering around. I feel as if it is a threat. There is a heaviness about this place ever since it arrived. I need to investigate further. Until then, I suggest we stay together as a group at all times."

He pulled up some files and showed them some security footage of their front door. It was them returning from Nando's a few days ago. After everyone entered, a dark mass soon followed, slinking in unnoticed.

He glanced around the group. "Where is Louis?"

Harry's belly dropped. He quickly left for Louis' room at a concerned jog. He pushed through the door and saw a big black mass on top of Louis. What looked vaguely like a mouth was gaping open, breathing Louis' scent in. A large wet tongue slipped out and trailed up Louis' cheek. As soon as it touched, Louis squirming and writhing frame went completely rigid.

Harry grabbed a shoe from the ground and threw it at the mass. It reared back in shock and then disappeared before him.

Harry ran over to Louis, shaking his shoulders to wake him up.

Louis groaned as his bruised eyes fluttered open, revealing his lingering terror.

"Harry, please! You're all sick, you need to stop!" he moaned, trying to pull away.

"Shhh Lou! You're awake now, it's okay!" he tried to soothe.

Suddenly, for no apparent reason, Louis' bedroom door slammed closed making them both jump.

The dark mass was blocking their entrance, disappearing before their very eyes.

Pounding could be heard on the other side of Louis' door as the rest of the band tried to enter.

Harry tried the handle but it wouldn't budge.

"Harry? What's going on?" Louis gasped, climbing out of bed on shaky legs.

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