Chapter 11

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"We are in Mins, right?"

Vaelor shrugged. It had been two days since their plane crashed on the barren and rocky plains of the area. Alyssa had ordered Eloria to work on fixing the Clandestine, but the plane just refused to get worked on. Every time Eloria fixed something, the next day it would lie there, broken and in bad shape again.

Alyssa herself had gone forth to see what land they were actually in. For two days and three nights she hadn't returned.

Astryn had escaped the crash almost unscathed, since her room was in the middle of the plane, which was the least affected. Sinara, on the other hand, had suffered a gash on her left hand where Alyssa's sword accidentally cut her while they crashed. Astryn had been assigned by Alyssa to look after Sinara till she regained consciousness.

"Let's hope so," answered Vaelor.

"Which Lord's territory are we going to be in, if this is Mins?" asked Astryn, who had just taken a break.

Vaelor snuffed. "Not Lord, Lady. Limsay, Lovelake, and Heirland all claim to have the ancient territory of Monas as their own, but ever since Monas broke up into three parts - Mons, Mins, and Mans - each royalty has been content with his or her territory. As to answer your question, if we are in Mins, we're currently in the land of Lady Jade Miina. She is reputed to be a fair and just ruler."

Astryn snorted. "Okay, history teacher." she joked. "Now, for the most important question - Where is Alyssa?"

"She said she'd come back in less than four days, and today's the third," said Eloria. "She went out with limited supplies. I wonder where she is right now."

"What's the position of Heirland on the Uprising?" Vaelor asked.

"Fierce in their loyalty to Trisley," replied Astryn. It was fun to be telling Vaelor information, instead of the other way round.

"I've heard of an infamous warrior in Trisley's ranks," said Eloria. "Hywell Heirson, I think."

"He is said to not accept defeat, and punish those who are defeated," said Astryn, remembering.

Suddenly, someone coughed behind them.

"Where am I?" managed Sinara.

"You're in our custody," said Vaelor, trying to sound more official and scary, but obviously failing.

Astryn pushed Vaelor aside. "Hey, mother," she said. "Miss me much?"

Eloria and Vaelor gaped at Astryn as Sinara said, "My daughter. I am so relieved to see you alive."

"After you stabbed me? With your own hand?" said Astryn.

"That- that wasn't me, you have to understand. It's the Queen, her word is- is my command."

"You still have a choice!" exploded Astryn. "Or are you too spineless to care for your own daughter, much less your own family?"

Sinara said, "You don't understand, my dear, there's things that she does, that she implements-"

"I don't care about what your precious Queen does!" said Astryn, her cheerful mood ruined. A small tear ran down her cheek.

Before Sinara could continue, Eloria gave a shout. Astryn looked at Sinara, a hard and final look, and left her for the company of Eloria and Vaelor.

"Look!" said Vaelor, as she rejoined them. Astryn looked up.

Three planes were zipping down from the sky. Gold plated, Astryn could make out "Lovelake" on its side.

Before she could say anything, Eloria beat her to it. "It's definitely Lovelake," she sighed.

"From when do they have planes that fast?" Astryn inquired.

"From four days ago, it would seem," replied Eloria.

"Look at that," Vaelor said in awe.

"How can you be so surprised at something you just saw some time ago?" Eloria asked, and then turned her head. "Oh."

Alyssa was running up to the plain, and she was not alone. The army of Mins ran beside her, swords and chestplates flashing in the sun.

"Alyssa!" shouted Eloria. "Look up!"

"I did!" shouted back Alyssa.

Alyssa reached them first. They just had two minutes of a head-start, before the Lovelake plains came down upon them.

"People of Mins, rally towards the rightful cause!" shouted Alyssa, as she leapt into battle.

Astryn reached for her sword and found nothing. "Eloria, cover me!" she whispered. Eloria obliged, and Astryn started looking for her dagger.

Around them, the battle raged. Even though the Lovelakers were clearly outnumbered, they still fought with great ferocity. In spite of the difficulties, Astryn could see the people of Mins pulling through, giving the final touch to their victory.

A hand touched Astryn's back.

She whirled around, and found Sinara standing behind her.

"What are you doing?" she whispered.

"Sorry, my dear." said Sinara. "I must prove my loyalty to Queen Trisley."

Sinara grabbed Astryn's cloak and started dragging. Astryn protested the whole way, but even though Sinara was weakened by her wound, she was still bigger in size than Astryn.

She put Astryn into one of the Lovelake jets, and closed the top glass.

When Sinara took off, Astryn tried to break open the glass of the jet. It failed, but it got Alyssa's attention.

Even that wasn't enough, as the sheer speed of the jet sent Astryn and Sinara away to Trisley's secret hideout, as the battle raged beneath them.

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