Mama what's class do you have next ?

Well luv I have Greenhouse next and then when that's finish we'll grab a snack ,does that sound great luv

Yes mama

Adhara beamed it warmed her partially dead heart for calling her mama , she does have a sweet spot for animals , unknown to her many have witnessed her smile and swooned it's not everyday you see Adhara smiling and Tom on the other hand notice the stares his beloved was getting , he shot them all a heated glare as if to relay a message that she was off limits and taken , which they all get the idea and looked away , Tom smirked

As they got the greenhouse , they were instructed to wear their earmuffs cause their topic for today where , Mandrakes , it's cries were fatal to anyone who hears it hence the earmuffs

Tom help adhara put her own muffs as she was chatting away with Daphne , as Theo did the same for his beloved , whilst Draco and Blaise huffed at their friends chivalry , they looked at eachother and sent mischievous looks at one another

" Oh Blaise put my muffs one would you my darling love , my sun and light ." Draco dramatically hands him the muffs as he close his eyes , while Blaise put his hand on his heart and gasped

" Why must you question my love my light , for u , I will do anything." Blaise dramatically put the muffs of Draco's head , while they made smooching face to one another

The four deadpanned at their actions and questions on how they were friends , Daphne and theo both hit them in the head and says that we don't sound like that

As the class went on peacefully , not the sarcasm , their cries were bearable as long as you have the muff and as for Draco , h decided to tickle the mandrake resulting his finger being bitten , they all laughed at his as he furiously got his finger out of its mouth and aggressively put it on the pot and drown it with soil , and when he finally finished , he flicked his gelled hair and huffed

" We do not speak of this again , understood ."

Greenhouse went well , other than Granger glaring at adhara for stealing her spotlight , how she's earned Slytherin house 50 points on their first day back , while muttering how it wasn't on the book , yes it did went well , as for now they were seated at the Great hall eating their lunch while waiting for Thier letters to arrive , As Tom slice the meat that Arcturus was about to eat , while the dragon chase his tail around while adhara ate her strawberry shortcake , whilst feeding arcturus some strawberries

" It's done star ." Tom moved the plate Infront of adhara , whilst arcturus sat down Infront of his mother and wag his tail  , adhara chuckled and kissed his head

" Thank you Tommy ." Adhara feed the dragon piece by piece so that he won't choke while Tom just admire the both of them , occasionally shooting glared to those who stare at the two

As the mail arrive , the hall was in a frenzy as Ron Weasley received a howler from his mother , which made him even more red than his hair

As lunch was done , the proceeds to their next class Defense against the Dark arts , as they enter , the room was full of pictures of the man , newspaper clippings , and his so called works laid out in the shelf  , they sat at the respective seats and waited for the man to arrive

Adhara twirled the ring on Tom's hand which he didn't mind as she tend to do this ALOT  , as her friends chatted away making plans on a picnic this weekend , when the door opened

" Let me introduce you to your new
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Teacher. Me. Gilderoy Lockhart,
Order of Merlin, Third Class,
Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and five timeswinner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award -- But Idon't talk about that. I didn't
get rid of the Bandon Banshee by
smiling at her!." As he smiled , quite egoistical if you ask me , he came down as his swooshes his Cape dramatically , earning a scoff from adhara , which earned the man's attention , he continued to stare at the girl and snapped out , shooting her his usual charming smile , adhara grimace , he then gave paper , an activity

Adhara scans the paper and the questions were all about him , what's his favourite colour , his future ambition ,this favourite hair gel , food .etc.

" Is he serious ." Adhara eyebrows raised in disbelief , how egoistical indeed , then the said man went to her side and looked at her with gleaming eyes , quite creepy

" My my Miss Black , I didn't think I would meet you in my classroom and your a last descendant from Merlin himself ,it's a pleasure Indeed ." He preached as he put his hands on Adhara's shoulder , earning terrifying glares from her friends while Tom was seething in anger ,there friend's knew this wouldn't end well for the man

Adhara's eyes narrowed on the man's hands , as arcturus started to hear up

Mama I don't like this man

As do I little one , as do I

As adhara was about to reply

" I suggest you take your hand off her shoulder Professor ,.We wouldn't want anything happening to it , now would we ." Tom sneered venomously at the man , Lockhart eyed the boy and he truly felt fear , he quickly took off his hands on the girls shoulders and excuse himself and went Infront the class

Thank you Tommy , I appreciate it .

Don't thank me star , I'm just looking out for you

I know and thank you

Adhara kissed his cheek and focus on the man , whilst Tom well he was frozen and red , earning chuckled from their friends

" He really is whipped for her ain't he ." Theo whispered at his beloved beside him , she giggled and nodded

" That he is ."

Their Dark arts class was full of bullshit , it was supposed to be their favourite subject and now that git ruined it for them , the git set off Cornish Pixies and left the room leaving them to fend for themselves , if it wasn't for adhara they wouldn't have catched  them all and return them to thier cage and hot out of class  , Adhara was walking through the corridor with arcturus flying beside her , she was held back by the blond git himself , to which did not end well as she ended up threatening the git to leave her alone , which work with the help of Arcturus as he set his hair in fire

She walked peacefully while enjoying the view of the castle , when someone tapped her shoulders

" My lady , I am in need of your help." As voice said , a girl to be precise , adhara turned expecting a Slytherin , instead it was a Ravenclaw , older than her , she was pale , like sickly pale , Arcturus sat himself on her shoulders and studied the girl Infront of them

She's sick mama

I know little one , something is definitely wrong

" And what may your problems be raven ."

" I cannot say this in here but my lady I am in dire need of you help , please ." She pleaded almost getting into her knees , she looks like she hasn't sleep in days or eaten , adhara nodded

" Very well raven ,  follow me ."

Adhara wondered on what happened to the girl , she has some theories but she hoped her instincts were wrong and she'll find a way to help the girl ...


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