Taken (Chapter 5)

Start from the beginning

Leigh-Anne’s POV

When Jade and Louis arrived everyone jumped into the pool, except Jade and I. Since we were both standing there awkwardly we decided to take a picture for twitter.

Chilling at the pool with Jade!  Leigh x

After we took the picture and tweeted we both sat on the edge of the pool and dipped our feet in. Jade wasn’t acting like herself and I knew something was wrong. “What’s wrong with you” I asked her.

“Nothing really, just starting to feel a little disappointed” she told me. I didn’t know why she would be disappointed. She could tell from my facial expression that I was confused and she explained everything to me. “Oh” was all I could say in return.

To lighten the mood I pushed her into the pool and she didn’t hesitate to drag me in with her. We started playing with everyone else after awhile. She told me not to tell anyone else about our conversation.

After playing in the pool for about an hour and a half we decided to go back to sleep because our first performance was tomorrow night.

Jade’s POV

It felt good to be able to tell Leigh-Anne what I was feeling. I always liked to talk to her when I was down and she always knew how to cheer me up. When I walked into the room Harry was laying in his bed and I figured he was sleep. I couldn’t blame him, our first concert of the tour was tomorrow.

I took my shower and climbed into my bed and fell asleep. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow.

--------------------------------------Next Morning -------------------------------------------

Liam’s POV

 “Rise and shine everyone! We have a big day today! Wake up” I yelled into everyone’s room as I walked past. After about 20 minutes of me yelling everyone was finally up. I told them our schedule for the day. Then we all went into our own rooms to get ready.

When I went back into my room Niall came up to me and asked me “When are we going to eat breakfast? I am starving!” I told him that we would get to eat when we got to the venue. That was enough for him and he got ready in 5 minutes. It took everyone else about 20 minutes and we all met in the lobby.

“Alright everyone let’s go!” I said and I started walking toward the vans.

Jade’s POV

Urg! Why did we have to be up so early? As soon as we got into the vans I took a window seat so I could get some extra minutes of sleep. The rest of the girls had the same idea as me and we all basically sat in different corners of the van.

When we finally got to the venue we were all pretty much fully rested. The boys got there before us and were already getting out of their van. Since Jesy was closest to the door she was got out first. Just when she started to get out of the van a car came rushing by and nearly hit her. Luckily she quickly jumped back in.

After about us hiding in the van for a few minutes we figured the coast was clear because we heard the car drive away. Then we noticed that the boys were missing. “Uh oh” was all I could say.

Niall’s POV

I had just hopped out of the van last when a car came barreling towards the boys and I. Next thing you know a bag was on top of my head and I was thrown into a car or other type of vehicle. I don’t know where I am but all I know is that I need some food. NOW!

“Ouch! I demand you let me go, peasant” Well, Louis is here.

“OW! Get off of me” I heard Harry yell.

“Where are we, this bag is messing up my hair!” I heard Zayn yell.

“Everyone calm down! Is Niall here?” I heard Liam ask.

“Yes, I’m here and I am starving!” I yelled.

“Good, at least we are all here together” Liam said. Next thing you know the vehicle hit a bump in the road and we all hit the ceiling. Then someone landed on top of me. OUCH!

That’s when I started thinking about the girls. I wonder if they were kidnapped too. “Did anyone see what happened to the girls” I asked. There was a long moment of silence then someone finally said something.

“I think they are okay. The car almost hit Jesy but then I saw her jump back into their van and close the door” Liam said. I was kind of relieved when I heard that but then I started worrying about where we were going. Then I started screaming.

“Niall, Shut Up!” I heard Zayn yell at me then I stopped screaming. OMG! I am so hungry. I could eat one of the boys right now. “Ouch! Who the heck just bit me” I heard Harry say.

Whoops. Before I could reply the vehicle stopped and someone picked me up and carried me out of the car. I tried to kick them and punch them but they wouldn’t budge. Next thing you know I was strapped to a chair and the bag was removed from my head.

“Who are you and what do you want” I screamed. The other boys were also strapped into chairs sitting next to me. They were pretty calm but when I was hungry, I was crazy. I started kicking around in my chair then Liam told me to calm down.

I listened to him because he usually knew what to do in the case of an emergency. Then I whispered to Louis who was next to me “Do you think you can get your phone out and call for help?”

I don’t know how he did it but he got his phone out and dialed one of the girl’s phones. I heard a faint ‘Hello? Louis! Are you guys okay? Is Zayn okay?” I instantly knew it was Perrie.

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