I turned around to leave when Zee called me, "Pete, wait!!!" I turned around to face him. "Darling, who's there outside?" a male voice was heard from behind Zee and soon a small figure appeared wearing a robe. My eyes landed on him and it was evident what was happening inside the room.

The next moment, I slapped Zee really hard. "Now I don't even feel sorry. It was the right choice to break up with you." I spat. "Hey!! Why are you hitting my boyfriend?" the person asked stepping forward.

"Boyfriend?? Seriously?" I asked looking at Zee. My blood boiling in anger. I slapped him again for his betrayal. "Don't you dare show me that stupid face of yours ever again." I shouted and turned around heading back to where I had come from.

I didn't feel hurt, rather, I felt happy. It made me wonder, was I actually in love with Zee or was it all just infatuation? I got into the elevator and pressed the button for ground floor. I can finally confess to Ae now.

As soon as the doors opened, I rushed out of the building to greet Ae. I was more than happy to realise my feelings for him. I arrived at the same place and began to look around to find him but there was no trace of him or his car. Did he leave?

Stupid me!! I didn't even ask him to wait. I just left without even saying him a proper goodbye. Wait!! I'll call Can. He will inform Ae. I fished out my cell phone and hurriedly dialled Can's number. He wouldn't have gone that far.

I waited impatiently for Can to answer the call. Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I knew it!! He must have been waiting for me. I turned around to greet Ae and the next moment, I felt chocked on my breath. Standing right in front of me was Trump with an evil smile on his face.

"Hello my lovely wife!! How have you been??" he asked stepping closer. "Trump!! Stay away from me." I threatened. "Why should I, my love? Don't worry, I am here to take you back home. We are getting married soon after we reach." He said.

"No!! I won't marry you." I protested. "Did I ask you?? It's my order and all you have to say is yes. I don't want to hear another word. Get inside the car." He said while grabbing my elbow harshly and dragging me to the car.

"Leave me!!! I said leave me!!" I cried. The next moment, I was shoved inside the car and the doors were closed and locked. Soon, the car began to move. I should have mustered up the courage to talk to Ae before reaching here but there was no use of crying over spilled milk.

Ae's POV:

I was driving back home with a broken heart. How I wished to have Pete beside me right now. He didn't even say a goodbye to me. Didn't I mean anything to you Pete? Didn't you feel anything for me?

I screamed out in frustration and parked the car at the side and got out. I grabbed my hairs and pulled them in anger. I leaned against the car and slumped down. Why is it hurting so bad? A tear escaped my eye.

I was crying over my loss when my cell phone started to ring. I fished it out and looked at the screen to see Can's name flashing. I picked it up and placed it against my ear. "Hello?" I answered. "AE!!! Where the hell are you? Pete is kidnapped by Trump." Can informed.

I stood up immediately gasping in shock. "What?" I shouted. "Yes!! Pete had called me and when I answered, he didn't reply. I was about to cut the call when I heard Trump's voice. I just heard Pete saying that he doesn't want to marry Trump and he was crying for help. Trump is going to marry him soon after they return." Can informed. That son of a bitch!!

"Can, track Pete's number and keep me informed. I will head back soon after clearing something important." I replied and disconnected the call. I turned the car around and headed back to where I had dropped Pete.

I parked the car and rushed inside the building searching for the room. I asked one of the passer by about Zee and he told me the room number. I thanked him and rushed in the direction of the room. I knocked the door and soon it was opened revealing a tall man.

"Zee?" I tried to confirm. "Yes! Do I know you?" he inquired. "Where is Pete?" I asked. I didn't have time to play around. "Pete?? He left a while ago." He replied. "A while ago?" I tried to confirm. "Yes..." he replied.

"Honey!! Who is it this time? Is it that same guy?" a voice was heard from inside. My blood started to boil realizing that Pete was hurt by this guy. Why else he would leave? I am sure he must have caught Zee with someone else. "Who else is there with you?" I asked. "My boyfriend!" he said.

That's it!! Without wasting any time, I grabbed the guy by his collar and began to punch him. "You bastard!! You hurt Pete!! He travelled all this miles to meet an asshole like you and you just broke his trust. I won't spare you. You are the reason why he is in danger now!! How dare you hurt his feelings!! While he was waiting for you and thinking about you, you were busy enjoying with someone else. You cheap!!!" I kept shouting while hitting him over and over again. His face was completely bruised but I was not ready to stop. He deserved it for hurting my Pete.

I kept hitting him till someone else came for his rescue and pulled me away. "Stop it!! I said stop it!!" the person shouted. But I was not done with this asshole yet. I got back to him and a fragile figure jumped in between us for his rescue. "Please stop it!!!" he shouted.

"You don't know this guy!! He had broken someone's heart just a while ago." I yelled. "Can we sit and talk? Please?" the little fellow begged. I glared at Zee before agreeing to use civilized method to speak.

We were now seated facing each other. "I don't know who you are but let me make few things clear. Pete has come here a while ago just to inform me that he is breaking up with me. He said that he met some guy while he was trying to reach me and he unknowingly fell for him. He said that he won't be able to love me anymore because he already gave his heart to that person. After that he came to know about my boyfriend and he slapped me twice before leaving. That's all I have to say." Zee said.

"Serves you right!! And by the way, it's me whom he met." I stated. "No wonder he would have fallen for this guy. He surely can go to any extent for Pete." Zee muttered under his breathe. "I heard it!" I said.

"Did he return back?" I asked. "No... He left and I don't know what happened after that." He said. "Fine!! Do you know Trump?" I inquired. "No... I don't!!" he replied. "Look Zee, if I find out that you have handed Pete to Trump than I will make sure that you live in hell. Got it?" I threatened. "I swear I don't know any Trump!" Zee replied. "I'll find out..." I said.

I didn't say anything further and walked out of the room. I was almost jumping after hearing what Pete did. He not only slapped him but also said that he loved me and broke up with him. Now, I needed to find him before Trump would do something.

I called Can and asked him to send someone to get my car while I hired a cab to airport. I needed to get back as soon as possible.

Pete's POV:

We arrived back just a while ago and now I was sitting on the chair. A woman was moving around me fixing my appearance. I am getting married in couple of hours. How I wish I could stop everything. I wish I had guts to tell Ae that I loved him but it was all a memory now. I don't even know who he was and where he lived. My phone too was snatched away from me otherwise I would have contacted Can.

"It's done... You are looking beautiful." The women said stepping aside and allowing me to look at myself in the mirror. I didn't want to look at myself any more. This beauty has got me into trouble.

"It's time!!" my father said entering the room. I got up immediately and looked at him. "Don't you have any mercy? You are marrying me to a goon." I accused. "I don't want to hear a single word from you. Let's get going." He said while pulling me out of the room.

We walked out of the building. There stood a car nicely decorated with flowers. The next moment, I was pushed inside the car and the door was closed and it began to move. I let out a silent cry while tears began to roll down my cheeks. "I miss you Ae..... I miss you...." I sobbed.

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