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"As I said on the phone, I have feelings for you..."

Femi said getting very close to me, rubbing her lips on my own. She was about to kiss me but I dodged it and she simply smirked moving to turn on some music.

"Dance with me."


"Come on don't be shy."

Femi pulled me into her embrace resting her head on my chest, keeping my head on a swivel the basement door was open it was closed before. Her two friends were trying to ambush me-

"I can smell it on you. You know don't you?"

The demon stopped swaying me with a tilted head I gulped as she chuckled with black tears coming out of her eyes.

"That's a shame, I would have rather you drank the tea."

Like I figured her two friends pinned me down as the demon tried to force something black down my throat, I tripped up her friends with proper leg punches then smacked the demon's hand away spitting out the black stuff then picked her up over my shoulder and threw her out onto the yard. There was no way I was beating all three of them so I had an idea. Taking the demon, I dragged her by the hair then opened and threw her into my trunk. She snarled at me before I closed the trunk as banging and clawing ensued. Her friends were about to surround me as well with knives in their hands so I quickly hopped in my car, locked the doors, and drive off to my friend's house Jamie. Explaining only what I knew to him made him quickly want to kick me out but I begged.

"You're the only man I know that knows how to exorcise paranormal entities please."

"No way get off my driveway."

He slammed the door on me but I'm not entirely surprised, the banging and clawing were weaker which must mean that whatever possessed Femi is connected to an object. She has to stay within range, that's good to know. Suddenly the front door swung open and Jamie muttered.

"I'm going to regret this, show me her."

He came down to me wondering why I kept the demon in the trunk opening it briefly to see her lunge then closing it back he quickly understood why. Ready the second time after grabbing some things, I gave the demon a right hook in the face as Jamie smothered it with a cloth full of drugs and I held it in my arms as still as possible. Eventually, its movements started to slow enough for us to bring it into the house. Jamie tied it onto a chair and then started to lay down a circle of salt the demon said.

"She is mine, you won't be able to free her."

"I'll be the judge of that."

Jamie said as the demon growled looking at him as he closed the circle, struggling in the restraints the demon continued its rant.

"Even if you succeed now I'll just take her again and again, mincing her mind into little bits! HAHA!"

Holding up a cross, Jamie started the exorcism and I made it a point to close my eyes and not look at it while this happened. In the beginning, the demon was laughing and it don't seem like the word was working, then all of a sudden it started to work like Femi was fighting it.

Femi POV

Suddenly the psychiatric hospital started rocking side to side like a boat, my fake father snarled at me as I suddenly was able to stand on my feet. Whatever was happening was a ticking clock I needed to move.

Don't leave!

My younger self screamed in my ear as I continued down the hallway everything was darkening behind me but I didn't dare look. Continuing to run ahead I gained more speed and energy pushing anything and everything in my way.



My younger self lunged at me but I tackled her first pushing her through a door of white light which burned her to a crisp but didn't hurt me whatsoever but I saw final flashes of the previous paranormal connection. Panting I looked ahead to see a guy with a cross with many bruises but alive, looking past him I saw Rocco but I was pretty sure it was the real one. I started to smile but to be quite honest I felt really cold...


Jamie undid my restraints as I slumped into Rocco's arms I wasn't sure it was real or not but he was shaking me trying to keep me here with him.

"Hey hey your okay look at me."

"I'm glad I didn't hurt you-"

Going into a cough Rocco continued to cradle me close hanging to every word I said.

"My parents though, my father my mother, my friends killed them..."

"The demon did, it did all of this."

Rocco said shifting the blame from me as I wheezed I reached for him as he clasped my hand.

"Tell them okay? Tell them that I love them-"

"You can tell them yourself okay? You're not dying here."

He's always been so stubborn, he was biting back tears and I started to hear some familiar music. The rhythmic piano keys of Moonlight Sonata shifted my attention, finding I was playing my violin for my final concert. Once I played my final note a rush of calm washed over me as I bowed to the strong applause.

Rocco POV

I wailed loud hearing Femi's last breath, rocking her lifeless frame begging the drive to return in her eyes. The sparkle I would thrive to see when she was with me or when she was on stage. It fizzled out like flame and there was nothing I could do but wallow in the sorrow. Jamie gripped my shoulder with a rash plan but it was the only one we had. He helped me bury Femi before we talked and strategized what to do next.

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