Matsuda: "That desperate to rub one off, you won't even come with us"

Y/N: "If I needed to do that I'm sure Rias would help me out haha"

Finishing his sentence and walking away Matsuda, Motohama and Kiryuu just stared open mouthed at Y/N's disappearing figure, while Issei was jealous he had gotten used to it so he didn't show much of a reaction.

Asia: "What did you mean by rub one off?"

Issei: "Ahhh don't worry about it Asia, lets just go to karoke now"


Y/N, Rias, and Koneko were sitting on the couches waiting for the rest of the club, Y/N was meditating, Rias was reading next too Y/N using his shoulder as a resting place finding it rather comfortable, and Koneko was sitting on the opposite eating her never ending supply of sweets.

Y/N: 'Huh I can sense Issei and Asia just outside the door, and Akeno is behind them but she seems to be bringing two guests with her'

Palkia: 'So it would seem, are you able to sense Kiba'

Y/N: 'Yea I can he's walking around town still, hope he's okay, I should track him down tomorrow'

Palkia: 'Perhaps it would be wise just to give him space unless he needs us,'

Y/N: 'Yea you're probably right, well here comes Issei'

Opening his eyes Y/N sees the door open revealing Issei and Asia, Rias noticing them too puts her book down but stays leaning on Y/N

Rias: "They did a good job cleaning the place didn't they, feels like we're getting a fresh start"

Issei: "Well where's Kiba?"

Koneko: "Looks like somebody decided to take the entire day off.. must be nice"

Y/N: "He's just wondering around town, getting some time to himself, he's okay though"

Rias: "How do you know that Y/N? I know you haven't left school today and I've been here with you the entire time after school"

Y/N: "I have my ways hehe"

Issei: "What would've caused him to go so weird?"

Y/N: "There was a project the church tried to do they called it the holy sword project"

Issei: "So what happened with this project?"

Rias: "There were several children apart of the holy sword project, they were all being raised to be able to use excalibur, as of right now there are 7 holy swords known with the name excalibur"

Palkia: 'The true excalibur isn't able to be broken, as it was created by my father, what they're talking about is a useless sword Giratina found and poured a fraction of power into it, I guess the christian god poured more magic into it to make it holy'

Y/N: 'You have a father?? but guess that's entertaining knowing that christians praise a once completely useless sword'

Rias: "....Church that tracked down and collected all of those seven pieces, they then used alchemy to forge 7 entirely new swords"

Issei: "So does that mean Kiba is able to use all of them?"

Y/N: "No issei, due to the project failing completely it means they were never able to fabricate wielders for the excaliburs"

Rias: "Right, so those in charge of the project decided to dispose of kiba and the other test subjects"

Issei: "Dispose, you mean kill?"

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